‘Monad’ is an intimate and thought-provoking exhibition that explores the relationship between the self, materials, and the world around us. Featuring the work of artists Elizabeth Alice Keen and Rebecca Matthews, the exhibition delves into the concept of the ‘monad’—an indivisible, singular unit that exists independently and is inherently connected to the larger whole.
Keen’s work focuses on the transformation of found objects and discarded materials, offering a commentary on consumption and the beauty of the disregarded. Her practice reimagines what is often overlooked, inviting viewers to reconsider the value we place on the things we deem disposable. Through her sculptures, Keen explores themes of renewal and the potential for re-contextualization, breathing new life into materials that would otherwise be forgotten.
Matthews’ work, primarily in ceramics, engages with circular forms to investigate continuity, direction, and the passage of time. Drawing inspiration from the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze, particularly his concept of ‘the fold’, Matthews’ pieces reflect the fluidity of identity and existence. Her work emphasises cyclical patterns and the infinite nature of time, suggesting that our personal experiences, like the forms she creates, are never-ending and always in motion.
Read more about accessibility, parking and public transport options on the LU Arts website. The exhibition will be open from 17 January 2025, with a preview event on 16 January 2025 from 6pm-8pm, which is open to everyone. This preview will include an interactive sculpture building performance at 7pm, led by Elizabeth Alice Keen. No booking is required.