Academic Career
- 2014-Present: Professor of Ecohydrology, Loughborough University
- 2000-2014: Lecturer, Senior Lecturer and Reader in Physical Geography, Loughborough University
- 1997-2000: Lecturer in Applied Science, University of Huddersfield
Professional Responsibilities
- 2022-Present: Board of Trustees, Freshwater Biological Association
- 2022-Present: Fellow of the Freshwater Biological Association
- 2017-Present: Editor in Chief, River Research and Applications
- 2009-Present: Editorial board member, River Research and Applications
- 2008-Present: Editorial board member, Ecohydrology
- 2013-2017: Associate Editor, Ecohydrology
- 2011- Present: Editorial board member, Cave and Karst Science
Paul is an ecohydrologist with research interests focussing on the response of instream organisms to natural and anthropogenic disturbances (including drought, sedimentation, pollution and invasive species) over a range of spatial and temporal scales.
His research examines how riverine communities respond to natural environmental variability (floods and drought) and disturbances (such channel management, sedimentation and the introduction of invasive species). He has a longstanding interest in how hydrological variability influences the ecology of groundwater dominated chalk and limestone streams, springs and sub-surface ecosystems. His research draws together elements of hydrology, ecology, geomorphology, in combination with management practices to support the conservation of freshwater ecosystems including anthropogenic ponds and ditches. His research has been supported by a variety of funders including NERC, Environment Agency, Natural England, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology and Nuffield Foundation.
Paul teaches in areas covering freshwater science, biogeography, conservation and field and laboratory-based activities.
Current Postgraduate Students
- Alisha Higgins: “The role of freshwater connectivity in facilitating the range expansion of invertebrate invasive species.” (2024 onwards)
- Charlie Patel: "Quantifying the hidden biodiversity, conservation value and effectiveness of fine sediment detention ponds in agri-environment schemes" (2022 onwards)
- Molly Bridger: "The river restoration ecological toolbox" (2022 onwards)
- Fanni Tanka: “Grazing and disturbance as management tools in coastal slacks: consequences for soil organic matter, biodiversity, and functional resilience” (2021 onwards).
- Ellen Goddard: "Invasive alien carnivorous plants: ecology, function and management of the purple pitcher plant (Sarracenia purpurea) in Europe" (2017 onwards).
Recent Postgraduate Research Students
- Dr Basmah Bushra (2024) "Effects of metal pollution on aquatic ecosystems".
- Dr Catherine Wilson (2024) " Children’s Environmental Citizen Science: Engagement, Experiences and Outcomes"
- Dr Bethany Worley (2023) “Biocontrol of invasive crayfish using European eels and the implications for river geomorphology and flood risk”
- Dr Catherine Sanders (2021) “Biotic and abiotic controls of burrowing by signal crayfish and the implications for sediment recruitment to rivers”
- Dr Richard Mason (2020) “The zoogeomorphology of case-building caddisfly larvae”
Selected Publications
- Mckenzie, M, Brooks, A, Callisto, M, Collins, AL, Durkota, JM, Death, RG, Jones, JI, Linares, MS, Matthaei, CD, Monk, WA, Murphy, JF, Wagenhoff, A, Wilkes, M, Wood, P, Mathers, K (2024) Freshwater invertebrate responses to fine sediment stress: a multi‐continent perspective, Global Change Biology, 30: e17084.
- Laini, A, Burgazzi, G, Chadd, R, England, J, Tziortzis, I, Ventrucci, M, Vezza, P, Wood, P, Viaroli, P, Guareschi, S (2022) Using invertebrate functional traits to improve flow variability assessment within European rivers, Science of The Total Environment, 832: 155047.
- Hill, MJ, Greaves, HM, Sayer, CD, Hassall, C, Milin, M, Milner, VS, Marazzi, L, Hall, R, Harper, LR, Thornhill, I, Walton, R, Biggs, J, Ewald, N, Law, A, Willby, N, White, JC, Briers, RA, Mathers, K, Jeffries, MJ, Wood, P (2021) Pond ecology and conservation: research priorities and knowledge gaps, Ecosphere, 12: e03853.
- Crabot, J, Mondy, CP, Usseglio-Polatera, P, Fritz, KM, Wood, P, Greenwood, MJ, Bogan, MT, Meyer, EI, Datry, T (2021) A global perspective on the functional responses of stream communities to flow intermittence, Ecography, 44: 1511-1523.
- Guareschi, S, Laini, A, England, J, Barrett, J, Wood, P (2021) Multiple co‐occurrent alien invaders constrain aquatic biodiversity in rivers, Ecological Applications, 31: e2385.
- Hill, MJ, White, JC, Biggs, J, Briers, RA, Gledhill, D, Ledger, ME, Thornhill, I, Wood, P, Hassall, C (2021) Local contributions to beta diversity in urban pond networks: Implications for biodiversity conservation and management, Diversity and Distributions, 27: 887-900.
- Guareschi, S, Laini, A, England, J, Johns, T, Winter, M, Wood, P (2021) Invasive species influence macroinvertebrate biomonitoring tools and functional diversity in British rivers, Journal of Applied Ecology, 58: 135-147.
- White, JC, Fornaroli, R, Hill, MJ, Hannah, DM, House, A, Colley, I, Perkins, M, Wood, P (2020) Long-term river invertebrate community responses to groundwater and surface water management operations, Water Research, 189: 116651.