Louise Thurston

Pronouns: She/her
  • Doctoral Researcher

Louise is a PhD student in the department of Geography and Environment. Her research is focussing on flooding-drought cycles and their impacts on aquatic ecosystems. Prior to starting her PhD,  Louise completed her MScR at The University of Bristol, focussing on the trophic transfer of microplastics through freshwater ecosystems. Before this, she undertook her undergraduate degree in Geography, also at The University of Bristol.

The cascade effect of flooding-drought cycles on aquatic ecosystems

Supervisors: Dr Helen Glanville (Loughborough University) , Dr Marco Mazza (Loughborough University), Dr Charlotte Lloyd (University of Bristol), Professor Patricia Sanchez-Baracaldo (University of Bristol)

Louise’s doctoral research  focuses on the impact of flooding and drought events on freshwater environments. These events catalyse large inflows of pollutants and nutrients into the ecosystem, which Louise will particularly focus on. Using laboratory and field experiments, the impact of these weather events on freshwater biota and water quality will be assessed. This research builds upon that of Louise’s Master’s research which investigated the impact of microplastics on freshwater environments, monitoring their trophic transfer and impacts on water quality.