Dr Helen Hoka Osiolo

PhD in Economics (specialising in Environment and Public Finance)

Pronouns: She/her
  • MECS Research Associate

Helen is an International Advisory Board Member, Energy Policy Journal.

She serves as an Associate Editor, Energy for Sustainable Development Journal, Elsevier Sciences Amsterdam.

She is currently a guest co-editor with the Renewable for Sustainable Transition Journal for Climate Compatible Growth (CCG) Programme by UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).

She was also awarded a Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing with the Editors of Energy for Sustainable Development in 2018, Elsevier, Amsterdam and was Awarded Early Career Researcher of the Year 2019, Awarded by Strathmore University.

Helen is an Associate Researcher with over 17 years of experience in energy sector. Her research interests involve linking energy with environment, health & well-being, employment & livelihoods, infrastructure, and the wider economy impacts.

  • Mulugetta, Y., Sokona, Y., Trotter, P.A., Osiolo, H.H, et al. (2022). Africa needs context-relevant evidence to shape its clean energy future. Nat Energy 7, 1015–1022 (2022).
  • Osiolo, H. H. (2021). Impact of cost returns and investments: Towards renewable energy generation in Sub-Saharan Africa. Renewable Energy. Volume 180, December 2021, Pages 756-772.
  • Willenbockel, Osiolo, H., and D., Bawakyillenuo, S. (2017). Exploring the Macroeconomic Impacts of Low Carbon Energy Transitions: A Simulation Analysis for Kenya and Ghana. IDS Bulletin, Vol. 48, No. 5- 6: 49-78.
  • Osiolo, H., Pueyo, A. Gachanja, J. (2017). The Political Economy of Investment in Renewable Electricity in Kenya. IDS Bulletin, Vol 48, No. 5- 6: 119-140
  • Osiolo, H and Kimuyu, P. (2017). Demand for Indoor Air Pollution and Abatement Interventions. BioPhysical Economics and Resource Quality Journal 2:12
  • Osiolo, H. (2017). Willingness to pay for improved Energy in Kenya. Journal, Renewable Energy 112: 104-112.
  • Mutua, J., Ngui, Osiolo, H., D., Gachanja, J., Aligula, E. (2012). Consumer Satisfaction in the Energy Sector. Energy Policy, 48: 702-710 .
  • Ngui, D., Osiolo, H., Mutua, J., Aligula, E. (2011). Household Price and Fuel Expenditure Elasticities in Kenya: A Linear Approximate Almost Ideal Demand System (LA-AIDS) Approach. Energy Policy, 39 (11), 7084-7094.