31. 3D Printed Coral Reef

Dr Robert Houseago

3D Printed Coral Reef

Accurate measurements of water and sediment fluxes in rivers and coastlines support flood risk prediction and inform environmental processes. Advancing our knowledge of flow enables improved flood prediction and how turbulence drives the transport of particles.

Seagrass along a coastline can reduce wave heights and coastal flooding. Woody dams in rivers can help store water and help reduce flooding intensity. Microplastics can be trapped in coral reefs. My research is helping us further understand these sorts of natural ‘fluid-structure’ processes in greater detail.

We recently investigated the mechanisms of microplastic transport and trapping in coral reefs. Flow velocities and microplastics were tracked around 3D-printed corals within a flume (physical modelling water flow tank). The microplastic transport and trapping mechanisms are presented in the publication.