14.Communities of Resistance Zine
Rhianna Garrett and Iman Khan, CITHEI Centre of Doctoral Training
As outspoken anti-racist decolonial feminist scholars existing in university spaces which are, by nature, patriarchal and white supremacy spaces, we work to challenge academia in a number of ways.
Zines are a medium that is an uncensored piece of self-published work, utilised to disrupt mainstream media with often marginalised voices. Through our collectively curated zine LOVE, RISE communities of RESISTANCE challenging bullying, harassment and a broken justice system, we explore our experiences navigating academia as Women of Colour doctoral researchers and the invisible forces that we call upon you to identify and recognise. Our zine goes beyond art catharsis, it is a powerful form of research dissemination that resonates the essence of both our research topics centred on race equity. We challenge you to breaking down your research into an expressive form that reflects your identity, how easy is it for you to put yourself in your research?
More about Rhianna’s research: https://www.lboro.ac.uk/subjects/geography-environment/staff/rhianna-garrett/
More about Iman’s research: https://www.lborolondon.ac.uk/about/doctoral-researchers/iman-khan/
Rhianna’s blog: https://rhi-mixedviews.blogspot.com/