Student work
We are proud of our students and the fantastic work they do with us while they are here.
When students do particularly good work, we want to tell the world about it. Below are some examples of some interesting pieces of work that our students have produced recently. Well done to all of them.
Booker Prize Review Vlogs
As part of our 'From Fan Fiction to YouTube: Navigating the Digital Literary Sphere' module, our students are asked to produce a review of a Booker Prize nominated book in Vlog form. Here are some examples of their work.
Best Student Paper Award in Equality and Diversity
English student, Catriona Fida, won the prestigious prize within the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of ‘Best Student Paper Award in Equality and Diversity’, being awarded £100 prize money. The award recognised an essay Catriona wrote for her ‘Neo-Victorianism’ module, on the topic of disability. Catriona’s essay was nominated by her ‘Neo-Victorianism’ module tutors, Anne-Marie Beller and Claire O’Callaghan. The essay was described by Anne-Marie and Claire as “critically mature, sensitive, beautifully written and, of course, in receipt of an excellent mark.”
Winner of The Lucretia Mott Student Essay Award 2020
English student, Ellie Start, submitted her work to a competition and won The Lucretia Mott Student Essay Award 2020. The award is associated with The American Academy of Religion: Quaker Studies Unit and the competition accepted essays from undergraduate, masters, and PhD students. Upon winning the award, Ellie's essay was recommended for publication in the Quaker Studies journal (Liverpool University Press). It will be featured in the June 2021 issue.
Ellie's essay was developed from her second piece of coursework for the Loughborough module: Women's Writing in the Seventeenth Century. She wrote about the assumption that women's writing is long-winded and compared This is a Short Relation of Some of the Cruel Sufferings (for the Truth’s Sake) of Katherine Evans and Sarah Cheevers (1662) and Mary Trye's Medicatrix (1675). The essay analyses the religious, medical, and proto-feminist messages within the texts, how the writers used rhetorical devices, and how context influenced the length of each publication.