WPL 2.03 Biosciences & Bioengineering laboratory

STEMLab includes a suite of laboratories for practical work in both Biosciences and Bioengineering.
The Bio-Labaoratory provides students with the opportunity to gain applied experience with biological samples in a safe and state-of-the-art environment. The maximum laboratory capacity is 96, although this figure can vary when specific types of biological samples are being used in the laboratory.
What we teach
This labs are primarily used by students from the following subject areas: Chemistry, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Biosciences, Natural Sciences and Foundation (dependent on pathway).
What you learn
Using a range of state-of-the-art equipment in the laboratory enables:
- The identification of specific cell populations in a mixture based upon size or specific cell markers by use of fluorescently labelled probes
- The separation and visualisation of DNA, RNA or proteins based upon size
- The measurement of end point and kinetic absorbance, luminescence and fluorescence intensity (with multimode plate readers for 24, 96 and 384 well plates)
- Measurement of sample absorbance or fluorescence using specific wavelengths of light
- The real-time amplification of template DNA using the polymerase chain reaction
Equipment in these laboratories includes:
- BD Accuri C6 Plus Flow Cytometer
- Gel electrophoresis apparatus
- Gel Doc x3
- BMG LabTech FLUOstar Omega multi- mode plate reader x4
- UV-vis Spectrophotometers
- qPCR machines x2
- Thermocyclers x6
- Bioreactors x8