Talk to us
We’d really like to keep in touch and will email you from time-to-time with important information as well as opportunities to visit the campus. If you are unsure about anything then get in touch with us, we’d love to hear from you.
Chat to us
Have any questions? Check out our web chats, which are an ideal opportunity to ask our current students and staff anything regarding Loughborough University.
Postgraduate taught admissions
Have a question about your offer for a master's programme? Get in touch with our admissions office.
Postgraduate research admissions
If you would like to discuss your research degree application, you can get in touch with our Doctoral College.
General enquiries
If you have any general enquiries about postgraduate study, you can get in touch with us at
International Office
Our International Office is a team of specialist staff who are dedicated to helping you before you arrive at Loughborough.