Programme Elements
Find below information about the 3 compulsory elements on the LUDUS Gold programme, together with the marking criteria and how to submit your work.
Element 1: Student Stories
This activity has been designed for you to reflect on your education journey so far and to think about your future goals and career ambitions.
Student Stories: Activity Detail
You are tasked with either writing your own blog, recording a vlog or creating a podcast, in which you share part of your journey. This could be reflecting on your education and subject choices so far, and/or your future plans and ambitions.
In the marking criteria laid out below, you will see that this is limited to only a set number of words (for a written piece) or time for a recorded piece (vlog or podcast) and so you will need to identify a specific topic you would like to talk about and plan the structure of your piece with a beginning, middle and end.
Some suggested topics may be as follows, but please feel free to come up with your own and be creative:
- How I chose my A-levels
- What I want to study at university
- My future career aspirations
- My inspiration for a career in ?
Student Stories: Mark Scheme
Whether you decide to write a blog, film a vlog or record a podcast, we are looking for every submission to meet the following criteria:
- Visually: Formatted well
- Language: Correct grammar and appropriate language
- Blog: 350 – 500 words
- Vlog / Podcast: 1min – 2min long
- Eye catching title: Which summarises your topic
- Relevant content: Covers education journey / future plans / ambitions
Student Stories: Submitting your work
Email us your completed piece, together with your full name and school.
Element 2: LEAP
LEAP (Loughborough’s Educational Advancement Project) introduces you to the key academic skills such as referencing and critical thinking, that will aid you with your current studies and help prepare you university level study.
LEAP: Activity Detail
This activity takes place online over the course of 4 weeks where you will have the opportunity to learn from one of Loughborough’s PhD students in a small group setting.
You will be tasked with researching a topic and preparing an academic submission utilising a range of different sources to build a robust argument.
Benefits of the LEAP activity:
- LEAP replicates university learning, in particular self directed study, providing you with a unique opportunity to experience this before enrolling on an undergraduate programme.
- The flexible nature of the academic assignment will allow you to pursue a topic of interest whilst also developing key study skills. These include, but are not limited to, research, analysis, and communication.
- You will be encouraged to think critically about your chosen topic, debating different viewpoints with your peers.
- The PhD student will provide support to ensure you feel comfortable using different sources and referencing them appropriately. In addition, they will suggest ideas for shaping the content to structure a coherent piece.
LEAP: Mark Scheme
- You can submit your academic assignment in a range of formats including essays, reports and short video pieces.
- Additional guidance can be found in the LEAP booklet, which will be provided prior to the sessions, which outlines expected length of each format.
- You will be expected to include a bibliography of sources and follow the Harvard referencing system (which you will be taught during the sessions).
- Marks will also be awarded for:
- Overall structure of the piece and argument
- Demonstrating a good understanding of the topic
- Evidence of appropriate use of source material to construct a well balanced and researched argument
- Displaying critical thinking and/or independent opinions of topic
- Spelling, punctuation and grammar
LEAP: Submitting your work
Instructions on how and when to submit your work will be issued at the start of the programme.
Element 3: Why it Matters
This activity encourages you to explore real-world research relating to subjects you are interested in studying at university. You can then use the information to help form part of your UCAS Personal Statement.
Why it Matters: Activity Detail
You are encouraged to identify and explore research that goes beyond your current studies to understand the impact your subject might have on the world. You could then use this within your UCAS personal statement to illustrate your interest in that subject and evidence independent research.
Please see the dedicated webpage link below where you will be able to fill out the worksheet online.
Why it Matters: Mark Scheme
Marking criteria for this activity:
- Identified a piece of research related to subject of choice
- Can explain the research in own words
- Can explain why the research is important to you
- Produces a persuasive statement evidencing your interest in the subject
Why it Matters: Submitting your work
Please fill out the online worksheet you can find via the Why it Matters page below.