Warden teams
Our Warden team form an integral part of the Loughborough experience. Wardens play a vital role in ensuring that you have the best experience possible, whether it's whilst you are living with us in halls or if you are living in Loughborough town.
Warden teams in our Halls of Residence
Each of our Halls of Residence has a dedicated Warden team comprised of a Warden, this will be a member of staff who has another full-time job role in the University (such as a lecturer), and a team of Sub-wardens (these are full-time Doctoral Research students registered at the University).
Our Warden team are responsible for providing any pastoral or welfare support that you may need, as well as being responsible for discipline in halls.
Hall induction
As part of your Welcome to Loughborough your Hall Warden will host a virtual induction presentation. In this presentation, the Warden will introduce themselves and their Sub-warden team as well as what to expect from life in halls and our expectations.
More information will be available closer to your move in date.
What kind of issues can I talk to my Warden team about?
We realise that whilst living in halls you may need some support. Below are some things you may wish to seek support from your Warden for:
- Accommodation issues
- Academic queries
- Homesickness
- Loneliness
- Difficulties settling in
- Mental health difficulties
- Any other general enquiries
If you do require any additional support, you can also talk to a member of our team.
Community Warden teams
If you live in Loughborough town we also have a Community Warden team. The team provide support for students living in the local community for a range of issues include welfare and practical support if necessary.
The team also works hard to foster positive relationships with the local community to give students the best possible experience whilst living in the wider Loughborough community.