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Loughborough University

Programme Specifications

Programme Specification

BA (Hons) Publishing and English (2012 - 2014 entry)

Academic Year: 2015/16

This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if full advantage is taken of the learning opportunities that are provided.

This specification applies to delivery of the programme in the Academic Year indicated above. Prospective students reviewing this information for a later year of study should be aware that these details are subject to change as outlined in our Terms and Conditions of Study.

This specification should be read in conjunction with:

  • Summary
  • Aims
  • Learning outcomes
  • Structure
  • Progression & weighting

Programme summary

Awarding body/institution Loughborough University
Teaching institution (if different)
Owning school/department Department of English and Drama - pre 2017
Details of accreditation by a professional/statutory body
Final award BA (Hons) / BA (Hons) + DPS
Programme title Publishing and English
Programme code EAUB03
Length of programme The duration of the programme is 6 or 8 semesters. Candidates following the four year programme are required to spend an approved placement in professional industry leading to the award of Diploma in Professional Studies (DPS). The sandwich year (part I) must be taken after satisfactory completion of Part B and before the commencement of Part C.
UCAS code P4Q3 (3-year); P4QH (4-year)
Admissions criteria


Date at which the programme specification was published Mon, 07 Sep 2015 20:19:18 BST

1. Programme Aims

The programme aims to:

  • advance students’ understanding of the professional, managerial and technical dimensions of work in the publishing industry;
  • equip students with a sufficiently advanced command of the English language to enable them to undertake editorial work professionally in any English-speaking country;
  • provide the core skills needed to obtain an entry-level professional position in the publishing industry;
  • equip students with an awareness of legal, ethical and professional issues as they relate to the publishing industry;
  • promote an understanding of the information needs of individuals and organisations and knowledge of the systems and technologies by which information is handled;
  • provide an environment in which students are encouraged to think, read and reason critically, creatively and independently, and to weigh the importance of alternative arguments and perspectives;
  • enhance students’ ability to analyse critically different forms of discourse;
  • foster the ability to conduct independent research using appropriate methodologies and to present the results appropriately.

2. Relevant subject benchmark statements and other external reference points used to inform programme outcomes:

  • QAA Subject Benchmark Statement for Librarianship and Information Management (2007)


  • Loughborough University Department of Information Science, Learning and Teaching Strategy


  • QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications

3. Programme Learning Outcomes

3.1 Knowledge and Understanding

  • design principles and production technologies as applied to printed and electronic publications;
  • editorial and marketing roles as applicable to various categories of books and periodical publications;
  • financial, human resources and general management principles and methods as applied in the publishing industry;
  • the concepts and principles underlying the storage, retrieval and use of information held in both printed and electronic forms;
  • the position of the publishing industry within the overall structure of the media industries world-wide;
  • the structure and functions of the English language;
  • the distinctive characteristics of different literary genres;
  • a range and variety of contemporary approaches to literary study;
  • the roles of information, information technology and information products in the 21st century.

3.2 Skills and other attributes

a. Subject-specific cognitive skills:
  • critically analyse developments in the publishing industry;
  • evaluate different information technology applications and their use;
  • discuss the principles of management as applied to publishing in a variety of environments and institutional contexts;
  • analyse data and synthesise information into value-added formats;
  • evaluate publishers’ customers’ needs in a variety of contexts and in relation to a range of printed and electronic information products;
  • plan metadata and other retrieval tools to be assigned to publications;
  • apply critical skills in the close reading and analysis of texts.
b. Subject-specific practical skills:
  • demonstrate IT competence with a range of computer applications;
  • use desktop publishing and computer graphics software;
  • design publications (print and electronic) that will be marketable;
  • undertake copyediting tasks confidently and with accuracy;
  • apply legal and ethical procedures within the publishing industry;
  • use financial and other management techniques appropriate to the publishing industry;
  • present cogent and persuasive arguments both in oral and written form;
  • critically assess the effectiveness and value of a wide range of oral and written communications.
c. Key transferable skills:
  • plan and undertake independent research for a project in a defined project area;
  • manage a range of information and data and present them effectively in a suitable format;
  • communicate effectively the results of their studies and research in writing (reports and essays) and by means of oral presentation;
  • work effectively in teams;
  • utilise time management skills in planning work;
  • use the English language both orally and in writing to present a persuasive argument;
  • understand and apply a variety of theoretical and interpretive positions;
  • use a variety of IT packages and applications confidently.

4. Programme structure

4.1 Part A - Introductory Modules

Semester 1




Credit Value


Critical Studies 1

10 credits


An Introduction to Language

10 credits


Introduction to Poetry 1

10 credits


Communicating  Knowledge

10 credits


Web Design

10 credits


 History of Publishing

 10 credits



Semester 2




Credit Value


Critical Studies 2

10 credits


Publishing Law

10 credits


Graphic Design and Desktop Publishing

10 credits


 Contemporary Publishing and Bookselling

10 credits 




Credit Value


Introduction to Poetry 2



Introduction to the Short Narrative



The Essay      



Women’s Voices



4.2 Part B 

COMPULSORY MODULES (80 credits in total over the year)

*Students have to take either EAB001 or EAB008 in Part B as a compulsory module. They can though choose to take both modules – one as compulsory, one as an option.


Semester 1 (30 or 50 credits)



Credit Value


British Drama 1576-1737 [OR EAB008*]

20 credits


Text and Editing

20 credits


 Marketing in the Publishing Industry

20 credits 

OPTIONAL MODULES (10-40 credits)



Credit Value


Chivalry from Chaucer to Shakespeare

20 credtis


 Introduction to Linguistics

20 credits 


 Nineteenth-Century American Writing

20 credits 


 American Adaptations

20 credits 


Diverse Voices

20 credits


Chivalry from Chaucer to Shakespeare

20 credits


New Women’s Writing

20 credis

Semester 2




Credit Value


Victorian Literature [OR EAB001*]

20 credits


Children's Reading

20 credits

OPTIONAL MODULES (weight 10-30) 



Credit Value


African American Culture

20 credits


 American Nightmare

 20 credits


Elephants and Engines: An Introduction to Creative Writing

20 credits


Introduction to Multimodality

20 credits


Language in Society (pre-requisite EAB113)

20 credits


Women's Writing in the 17th Century 

20 credits 


Eighteenth-Century Literature

20 credits


Weird Tale

20 credits

 4.3       Part C 

COMPULSORY MODULE operating across both semesters(weight 30)



Credit Value



40 credits




40 credits

The modular weight for both EAC809 and EAC009 is split between semesters in the ratio 10:20.  If EAC809 is chosen, candidates will be required to take a further 10 credits with the prefix EAC8 in the course of Part C.  If EAC009 is taken, candidates will be required to take a further 30 credits with the prefix EAC during Part C. In either case, students will take a total of 60 credits in Publishing modules and 60 credits in English modules. A module cannot be taken in Part C if previously taken in Part B.

Semester 1 


OPTIONAL MODULES (total weight 30 or 50) 



Credit Value


America at War

20 credits


Maps and Motors

20 credits



20 credits


Narratives of American Sport 

20 credits 


Ulysses in Context

20 credits



20 credits


Graphic Communication  (year-long)

10 credits 

Semester 2


OPTIONAL MODULES (total weight 30 or 50) 



Credit Value


 Publishers, Authors and Agents

20 credits 


Graphic Communication (year-long)

10 credits 


The Child and the Book 

20 credits 


Postmodern America

20 credits


Romantic Writing 1815-1832

20 credits


Putting Women Centre Stage

20 credits


Global America

20 credits


Rare Shakespeare

20 credits


Cruel and Unusual

20 credits


T S Eliot

20 credits



5. Criteria for Progression and Degree Award

5.1.1    In order to progress from Part A to Part B, candidates must satisfy the minimum requirements as set out in Regulation XX, and also obtainat least 40% in all compulsory English modules and obtain a mark of 80% in the citation/bibliometric test in EAA803, Studying Publishing. 

5.1.2    In order to progress from Part B to Part C, candidates must satisfy the minimum credit requirements set out in Regulation XX and at least 40% in all compulsory English modules. 

5.1.3    To be eligible for the award of the Honours degree, candidates must satisfy the minimum credit requirements set out in Regulation XX.

5.2 Provision will be made in accordance with Regulation XX for eligible candidates in any part of the programme to undergo re-assessment within the University’s special assessment period, except where fewer than 60 credits have been achieved.

6. Relative Weighting of Parts of the Programme for the Purposes of Final Degree Classification

Candidates’ final degree classification will be determined on the basis of their performance in degree level Module Assessments in Parts B and C, in accordance with the scheme set out in Regulation XX. The average mark for each Part will be combined in the ratio Part B: 40%, Part C: 60% to determine the Programme Mark. 

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