School prizes
School of Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering
Each department within the School has its own prizes, listed below.
Departmental Prizes
The Stan Stevens Prize
A prize to the value of £225 to be awarded to the student producing the best Gas Turbine Project.
Professor Stan Stevens initiated the teaching delivery for the subject of Gas Turbine Design within Aeronautical Engineering. This included involving industrial experts to help deliver the various modules and the course remains unique in its content and delivery. Stan joined what was then the Loughborough College of Advanced Technology in 1961 from the Bristol Siddeley Aircraft group.
Over a number of years, Stan was involved in the development of unique, large scale experimental research facilities which produced internationally recognised, high-quality experimental data, relating to internal flows within gas turbines. During the 1980s the experimental facilities continued to expand and included work on other gas turbine related areas along with associated computational work. As his international reputation continued to grow, one of the main highlights was the acknowledgement of Stan’s work by Sir Frank Whittle who visited his lab in 1987. Stan formed the Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre in 1991 when he became its first director - the UTC is now one of approximately 30 such centres around the world. He was also Head of Department in the early 1990s and the University also benefitted considerably from the industrial links he instigated. For example, the Stewart Miller Building is named after the Chair of Council who was formally the Engineering Director at Rolls-Royce.
Stan retired in 1994, but his research group continued to grow. The Stan Stevens Unsteady Fluid Mechanics Laboratory was opened in 2008 and his research group is now responsible for the new National Centre for Combustion and Aerothermal Technology. This would not have been possible without Stan’s considerable contribution over many years.
John S Webber Memorial Prize
A prize of up to £50 is awarded to the student or group of students making the most valuable contribution to the Part C Vehicle Design module TTC006 or TTC101 in the view of the programme board.
John Webber was a Reader in Automotive Engineering who joined the Department on 2nd December 1963 following 10 years as head of the mechanical sciences department of the research division of Ferodo Ltd Stockport. He sadly died on 12th April 1973 aged 57.
Mike Churchill Prize
A prize of £250 to the Aeronautical Engineering, female, undergraduate student with the best individual research project in the field of applied aerodynamics.
Mike Churchill graduated from the Loughborough College of Technology in 1954 with an Honours Diploma in Aeronautical Engineering.
Not long after graduating, an opportunity came to join the then fledgling Nuclear Power Construction Industry which was recruiting qualified engineers from well respected institutions such as Loughborough.
Rising through the management ranks he was appointed to the role of Quality Manager responsible for overseeing the Project Management, Design and Construction of the last type of gas cooled reactors built in the UK. When completed, he organised his team of engineers into a Quality Management consultancy business.
Throughout his working career he has always believed his hands on experience at Loughborough was the catalyst for later achievements.
Mark Powell Memorial Prize
The programme board awards the Mark Powell Memorial Prize to an undergraduate Aeronautical Engineering student who has significantly contributed to promoting or developing activities aligned with the Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering.
Final Year Prizes
BAE Systems Prize for Aerospace Engineering
A prize to the value of £100 plus a certificate, to be awarded annually to the student graduating in Aerospace Engineering who produced the best personal project at either BEng or MEng.
Ford Final Year Automotive Engineering Prize
A prize to the value of £200 to be awarded to the final-year MEng Automotive Engineering student with the highest overall degree mark.
Frederic Barnes Waldron Prize
A prize consisting of a certificate and a medal to be awarded to the best final-year student on an IMechE accredited degree in the view of the relevant programme board.
To be eligible for consideration, students will also need to be IMechE Affiliate members. The prize will be awarded to a student from the Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering in even years and to a student from the Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering in odd years
Royal Aeronautical Society Prize
A prize to the value of £100 is awarded to the best all-round final year Aeronautical Engineering student.
Jonathan Young Memorial Prize
A prize to the value of £175 is awarded to the student submitting the best applied final year project on the degree programme in Automotive Engineering in the view of the programme board.
Jonathan Young was an Automotive Engineering undergraduate at the University who undertook a final year project which involved taking measurements from an electric go-cart. He stayed in the University's Electric Vehicle lab following his graduation to carry on working on the electric kart. In August 1995 he won the Top Gear Challenge Cup at the international electric vehicle meeting at Mallory Park. He died tragically prior to starting a job in industry. This prize in funded jointly by his father and the University.
Postgraduate Prizes
Advanced Methods in Aeronautical Engineering Best Student Prize
A prize of £100 to be awarded to the student on the MSc Advanced Methods in Aeronautical Engineering programme with the highest overall average for the year.
Automotive Engineering Best Full-time Student Prize
A prize of £100 to be awarded to the full-time student on the MSc Automotive Engineering programme with the highest overall mark.
Automotive Engineering Best Full-time Student Project Prize
A prize of £100 to be awarded to the full-time student on the MSc Automotive Engineering programme with the highest overall project mark.
Automotive Systems Engineering Best Part-time Student Prize
A prize of £100 to be awarded to the part-time student on the MSc Automotive Systems Engineering programme with the highest overall mark.
Automotive Systems Engineering Best Part-time Student Project Prize
A prize of £100 to be awarded to the part-time student on the MSc Automotive Systems Engineering programme with the highest overall project mark.
Departmental Prizes
Chemical Engineering Special Departmental Prize
A prize to the value of £200, to be awarded annually, when deemed appropriate, to a student who has made an outstanding achievement or contribution to the department.
Joint Chemical Engineering LU/China Programme Prize
A prize of £200 to be awarded to the student on the Joint Chemical Engineering/LU China programme with the best overall academic performance.
First Year Prizes
First Year BP Chemicals Prize
A prize of £100 to be awarded to the Part A MEng student with the best overall performance in the view of the Programme Board.
The ExxonMobil Chemicals Prize
A prize to the value of £100 is awarded to the first year BEng student with the best all-round performance in Part A of their programme in the view of the Programme Board.
Second Year Prizes
Second Year BP Chemicals Prize
A prize to the value of £200 to be awarded to the Part B MEng student with the best overall performance in the view of the Programme Board.
Jack Harris Prize
A prize of £275 to be awarded to the BEng student with the highest overall mark in Part B of their programme in the view of the Programme Board.
Jack Harris was an administrator in the Department of Chemical Engineering. He had served the University for over 21 years and cared so much about the staff and students that on his retirement he instigated the Jack Harris Prize.
Third Year Non-Finalist Prizes
ABB Engineering Services Prize
A prize to the value of £250 to be awarded to the Part C student on one of the Department of Chemical Engineering’s MEng programmes with the best overall performance in Part C of their programme in the view of the Programme Board. The prizewinner will also be offered an expenses-paid visit to ABB
BP Chemicals Design Prize
A prize to the value of £250 will be awarded to the student submitting the best MEng individual design. This is subject to the condition that the student is part of a team achieving a mark above 60% in their collaborative design.
Final Year Prizes
ExxonMobil: The Esso Synergy™ Fuels Prize
A prize to the value of £250 is awarded to the top student in the examined modules.
Chemical Engineering Department BEng Design Prize
A prize to the value of £250 will be awarded to the student submitting the best BEng individual design. This is subject to the condition that the student is part of a team achieving a mark above 60% in their collaborative design.
Michael Edwards Memorial Prize
A prize to the value of £225 is awarded for the best Literature Review in the MEng programme in the view of the programme board.
Michael Edwards was a third year student who died in an accident whilst hiking in Swaziland in 1984. He was a bright student and was expected to do well. He was a hard worker and was very popular with staff and his fellow students.
H.K. Suttle Prize
A prize to the value of £150 to be awarded to the student ‘most likely to succeed’ in the profession in the view of the programme board.
The H.K. Suttle Prize Fund was created by the 1948 postgraduates of the Department of Chemical Engineering as a mark of respect to the first lecturer in Chemical Engineering, Harold K. Suttle, on the occasion of his retirement in 1967, after 20 years with the College and University.
Chemical Engineering Department Prize for the Highest Scoring Finalist
A prize to the value of £250 awarded to the highest scoring Finalist on the Chemical Engineering BEng programme.
Intelligent Energy Prize for the Highest Scoring Finalist
A prize to the value of £200 awarded to the highest scoring Finalist on a Chemical Engineering MEng programme.
Postgraduate Prizes
Research Student Seminar Prize
A prize of £100 to be awarded to the postgraduate research student in the Department of Chemical Engineering who delivers the best research seminar of the year as decided by peer assessment.
MSc Project Prize
A prize of £100 to be awarded to the student on a Chemical Engineering MSc programme with the highest scoring project.
First Year Prizes
LCMP First Year prize
A prize to the value of £150 to be awarded to the student on the Loughborough China Materials Partnership programme with the highest overall mark at the end of the first year.
Ubu Ana Memorial Prize
A prize of £200 to be awarded to a Part A student in the Department of Materials who, in the view of the Programme Board, has made the most progress on their course due to their commitment to hard work. The Board will not necessarily choose the student with the best/highest results but will instead be looking for evidence of a significant improvement in performance during Part A studies.
Dr Ubu Ana was awarded both her BEng and PhD from IPTME (now the Department of Materials) and, in addition, during her time working with TWI she kept in regular contact with members of the department. Ubu passed away in 2007 and is fondly remembered by all who knew her. She counted her time with IPTME as amongst the happiest of her life.
Second Year Prizes
David Bone Memorial Prize
A prize to the value of £200 to be awarded annually to a second year student on a Department of Materials undergraduate programme, for effort, achievement and for making a contribution to the department.
David Bone was an IPTME second year student who died in 1999 following a tragic accident while playing football at Loughborough.
Final Year Prizes
The John Goodwin Memorial Prize
A prize to the value of £200 to be awarded annually to a student in Part C of an MEng programme for effort and achievement, and who the Programme Board judges to have made a significant contribution to the Department.
Finalist MEng Group Prize (Livery Company)
A prize to the value of £2000 to be awarded to the students with the highest group project mark on a MEng programme. The prize is funded by the Livery Company, and is to be split equally between students.
Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (Midlands Group) Susan Panteny Prize for the Best Polymer Project
A prize to the value of £200, to be awarded to the student producing the best project on a polymer topic for an accredited degree.
Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining Prize
A prize to the value of £200 is awarded to the student achieving the best overall performance during the whole period of the undergraduate programme in Materials Engineering.
Postgraduate Prizes
Arthur Birley Memorial Prize
A prize to the value of £200 to be awarded annually to the Department of Materials postgraduate taught student who has best demonstrated aptitude and enthusiasm for their MSc project in the view of the Programme Board.
Professor D R Gabe Prize
A prize to the value of £250 to be awarded annually to the best student on an MSc programme.
Donated by Professor D R Gabe, former Director of the Institute of Polymer Technology and Materials Engineering (now Department of Materials), on his retirement from the University.