We will work together to create an inclusive, fair and respectful culture in which all staff and students feel valued, are able to voice differing perspectives and realise their full potential
We will create a culturally vibrant student community that benefits from the inclusion of students from across the globe and who are taught by diverse staff
We will prioritise activity that eliminates systemic inequities and individual harm for those in the university with protected characteristics and other identified marginalised groups
We will create an environment that embeds equity, diversity and inclusion as everybody’s responsibility and is a fundamental consideration in all areas of activity
We will honestly and openly identify, dismantle and redesign our policies, processes and structures to embed and assure anti-discriminatory practice and outcomes
We will incorporate our commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion into the delivery of our institutional themes for example by:
- addressing the concerns and inequalities faced by a diverse range of communities;
- supporting diverse communities around the globe to adapt and prosper in a changing world climate;
- harnessing our pre-eminence in sport to engage people, across all aspects of diversity, in the benefits of physical activity
We will take an inclusive design approach to improve the suitability and accessibility of campus resources and infrastructure for students, staff and visitors with any form of disability
We will engage and develop a diverse leadership community and ensure that our leaders build trust, are confident to take forward our equity, diversity and inclusion commitments and take responsibility for doing so