Get involved with Para sport

Loughborough University is renowned as a world leader in sport. One thing we’re incredibly proud of is how broad and inclusive our sports offer is so whatever level you’re at or whatever your interest, find out more and get involved.

Parasport Exec

The Para & Disability Sport Exec is a dedicated group of students who are working to improve the recreational opportunities for disabled students in sport at Loughborough.

They work alongside the staff team, as well as the various participation programmes and AU clubs to ensure every student has the opportunity to play sport at Loughborough, regardless of ability or experience. If you have any concerns or questions regarding adaptive, accessible or disability sport, please get in contact with them! You can also check out the accessibility of facilities ahead of attending physical activity sessions via AccessAble.

To keep up to date with disability sport offerings at Loughborough, follow the Parasport Instagram which is run by the Para & Disability Sport Exec.

Get in touch with Para & Disability sport Exec

Athletic Union

a woman wheelchair tennis player holding a racquet

The Athletic Union is proud to say that all our clubs are welcoming to all.

Currently we compete in eight BUCS Para sports (Athletics, Badminton, Cycling, Powerlifting, Swimming, Triathlon, Wheelchair Basketball and Wheelchair Tennis), we continue to work with BUCS to add more competitive Para sport opportunities for our students.

All club committee members are welfare trained to ensure they can facilitate their clubs to be as inclusive as possible and The Athletic Union continue to work closely with LSU’s Disability Support Network (DSN) to ensure we understand how we can improve upon our disability offer and cater for a range of abilities.

If you do have any feedback on the Athletic Union’s accessibility or would like more information on any of the above, please feel free to get in touch with our Sport Executive Officer:

Recreational Sport

wheelchair basketball players on court

The recreational sport programme at Loughborough offers a free and welcoming environment for students to engage with sport. We pride ourselves on ensuring the session leads have the ability to adapt these sessions to support all students to participate in a way that is meaningful for them. The programme takes form in weekly sessions, specific courses or one-day festivals.

Within the regular programme, we currently have 5 adaptive sports (wheelchair basketball, wheelchair handball, wheelchair tennis, sitting volleyball and boccia). In additional to these sports, we work alongside our activators to adapt all of the My Lifestyle sessions to suit each individual’s participation. If you require any support or adaptions for a session, just notify the activator leading the session and they will discuss with you how they can support. You can also contact the Para & Disability Sport Exec or the Disability Sport Coordinator Graeme Wilson if you wish to discuss your participation in any of the Loughborough Sport programmes further.

We’re always looking to increase our disability sport offerings in the recreational programme and are always exploring how we can make the programme we have already more inclusive for disabled students.

Find out more about recreational sport

Hall sport (IMS)

close up of a person's legs and a football, one leg is prosthetic.

Also called Intra-Mural sport (IMS), this is a free programme open to all Loughborough University students.

It’s a fantastic way to make friends and compete in a range of sports either in a league format or one day events.

Wheelchair Basketball is one of the most popular IMS one day events and we are currently looking at adding additional inclusive sport events to the IMS programme.

If you have any specific needs that you would like to discuss prior to participating in an IMS event, then please email

Find out more about Hall Sport

Social sport

wheelchair boccia players on court

The Social Sport programme at Loughborough prides itself on being accessible to a wide range of students and we are always looking at ways to make the programme even more inclusive.

Departments, Halls, Societies and groups of friends can enter teams in Social Sport leagues as well as a series of one day events that run throughout the year.

If you have any specific needs that you would like to discuss prior to participating in a Social Sport event, then please contact

Find out more about social sport



Coaching and Volunteering

people playing sitting volleyball

Thanks to the rich and varied disability sport environment, students at Loughborough have access to some unique coaching, placement and volunteering opportunities in Para & Disability sport. These vary from year-long placements with performance programmes to volunteering opportunities at disability sport events and competitions that take place on campus. In addition, there are opportunities to gain coaching qualifications in Wheelchair Basketball and Boccia.

Find out more about Coaching and Volunteering


equipment in the Holywell gym

Holywell Fitness Centre and Powerbase Gym are both accessible facilities catering for all abilities.

Our fitness instructors are used to working with gym members of all levels and sporting backgrounds, from Paralympians at the very top of their sports to recreational gym users.

We have a range of fitness equipment and areas that allow access to all members, whilst providing the option of 121 instructor’s assistance in how to use them.

We can aid in the development of fitness programs catered to each individual.

Find out more about our gyms