Swimming Pool Closure Updates - 2025
In the summer of 2025, our swimming pool will shut for a period of time to undergo updates. All updates will be listed on this webpage.
Summer 2025 Swimming Pool Updates
The University’s long-term ambition is to meet Government targets of achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, with significant progress by 2040.
The swimming pool is identified in the University’s Energy Strategy 2020 – 2050, as the top energy consuming building per m2. The building is not scheduled for replacement. Therefore we are planning to decarbonise the entire building by removing the 20+ year old fossil fuel burning gas boilers and replacing them with heat pumps to provide space heating, hot water, pool water heating and heating for the heat recovery ventilation.
This £2.5 million plus project will take place next summer and will contribute towards our net zero greenhouse gas emissions target. During this period there will be some disruption to our users however we will endeavour to keep any pool closure periods to the minimum.
During this time, we will also endeavour to carry out other refurbishments of the swimming pool to enhance our users overall experience.
For any updates on the work and all information, keep an eye on this webpage and on our emails.
We appreciate your support in our commitment to becoming a sustainable facility.
For our current members
If you are Bronze, Silver or Gold member here with us at Loughborough Sport, we understand this closure will affect your experience with us for a period of the summer.
In order to showcase our ongoing commitment to our members, we have taken a series of measures to try and mitigate these as much as possible.
Below is more information for all of our members.
Staff, affiliate, and community fixed term memberships (short term or annual)
Gold, Silver, and Bronze members with a membership end date on or after 14 July can request a cancellation from this date. In doing all membership benefits will be removed on the 14 July, however, you will receive a full reimbursement for the days remaining on your membership after this date.
However, if you’re a Bronze member with an end date on or after 14 July please note your membership end date will be automatically extended by the number of days your membership is valid during this closure period. If your membership end date is on or after 19 Sep, all 68 days (the closure period) will be included in this extension from 20 Sep. During this closure period, your membership will still be active allowing you to continue to use your other Bronze membership benefits.
If your membership is due to end before the 14 July, please note you will not be able to renew for a full 12 months at that point. You will have the opportunity to renew for a fixed term period with an end date of 13 July. Then once the pool reopens, you will be able to sign up again to a full annual membership.
Please note, if you have a student academic year membership, the vacation period during July and August is not included in the cost of the membership and is provided by Loughborough Sport at no additional charge. Therefore, if you have a 24/25 bronze academic year membership your pool access will end on the 14 July but all your other benefits will remain until 1 September 2025.
Direct debit members:
Gold and Silver
Any Gold and Silver members can request their direct debit membership is cancelled for August and September. If you choose to do this all your membership benefits will be removed from 1 August. However, when the pool reopens in September no additional joining fee will be applied if you wish to re-join. If you’d like to take up this option please email sportmemberships@lboro.ac.uk.
All Bronze members who pay by direct debit will have their membership automatically frozen for the closure period and no payments will be taken for August and September. However, all your other Bronze membership benefits will still be available during the closure period. If you have any queries, please email sportmemberships@lboro.ac.uk to speak to a member of our membership team.
Alternative facilities
For casual users and student members, if you still wish to use a swimming pool during this closure period, please find a list below of facilities in the area:
- Loughborough Leisure Centre, LE11 3HE
- East Leake Leisure Centre, LE12 6QN
- Soar Valley Leisure Centre, LE12 7FG
- Whitwick and Coalville Leisure Centre, LE67 3FE
- South Charnwood Leisure Centre, LE7 1LY
- Ashby Leisure Centre & Lido, LE65 1HU
- Ibstock Leisure Complex, LE67 6NE
For a 50m option:
- Moorways Sports Village and Water Park , DE24 9HY