Coach & Volunteer Academy Strategy 2020-2025
Loughborough Sport CVA has the ambition to inspire, train and develop the sporting workforce of the future. The CVA strategy is the framework for making that happen. It’s ambitious whilst making sure that our workforce receives a quality experience that helps them both personally and professionally.
To be the world leading HE institution in providing life shaping experiences that develop the sporting workforce of the future.
To offer high quality sport-based opportunities that enhance personal and professional development whilst supporting and developing a workforce for Loughborough Sport and the wider sporting ecosystem.
Quality of Experience
Ensure every experience is meaningful, engaging and developmental.
Identify, recruit and select a high quality workforce that responds to the demands and needs of the sporting ecosystem.
Training and Development
Develop and provide the workforce with the tools and support needed to succeed both in current and future roles.
Evaluation and Feedback
Build a ‘check and challenge’ culture of reviewing the CVA, which provides the opportunity for feedback driven improvement.
Reputation and Profile
Raise the awareness, profile and successes of the CVA by evidencing the impact on the Loughborough Sport ecosystem and wider sporting workforce.
Check out some of the achievements we had last year in our latest impact report...

CVA Impact Report 2022/23
In 2022/23 the Coach & Volunteer Academy had a record year, seeing the workforce have the greatest impact ever on Loughborough Sport.