War on Waste
What’s happening?
We have a pilot study in the Wolfson Building where we are introducing a number of changes to how we manage the waste to see if we can REDUCE the amount of waste produced, encourage REUSE of materials instead of throwing them away and improve the quality and quantity of RECYCLING in the correct bins.
How are we performing so far?
Not too good right now… Recycling rates for the building are currently low at around 40% (by weight). We could easily segregate over 80% of materials (by weight) for recycling if we help you to do it better. We understand the infrastructure could make it easier.
How will the War on Waste affect me?
We are asking you to take responsibility for the waste you produce and make sure you reduce and reuse where possible and learn how to recycle correctly in Loughborough’s scheme. If you work or study in Wolfson you will see the arrival of some new bins (in corridor spaces), the rationalisation of the existing bins and hopefully quite a few messages about how to recycle correctly. You may have also contributed to the project through attendance at meetings and helping out with different activities – thanks for your involvement so far.
What’s new in this project?
We are trialling food waste segregation. The food collected goes to an anaerobic digestion plant locally to produce fuel (methane) and a soil improver.
How will we measure success?
We’re talking to you (surveys) and keeping an eye on the waste leaving the building (random audits). Hopefully we’ll be able to report some improvements in the quality of the waste leaving the building – it’s a bit messy in places at the moment.
When will we know the results?
A final report will be circulated to show the improvements you’ve made possible with your collective changes in waste-related behaviours - we’ll make sure to let you know what’s worked and what hasn’t.
What should I do next?
Look out for the messages, take part (play a game, learn how to recycle 00 Quick Reference Guide, get a reusable Loughborough Cup, reduce your own impacts) help us to gather the evidence (complete the surveys) and encourage your students/colleagues/peers to get involved. Help us to reduce our environmental impacts and produce cost savings which can be reinvested in providing world class education and research and a better student experience.