Student Green League
The Green League is a sustainability competition between the halls of residence on campus (including Unite and UPP halls). It is run by the Sustainability team, with support from the Students Union and the funding partners Unite and UPP.
Participating and supporting the League can help:
- Give your hall sustainability bragging rights
- Earn your hall prize money
- Contribute to your Hall of the Year standing
As a member of your hall, participating will support:
- The environment in which we live
- Your hall community
- Your own personal development
There is money available for students living in halls to use towards sustainability projects and initiatives. This needs to be requested from the Sustainability Team.
Each hall is judged and ranked on how successful they are at:
- Reducing energy usage
- Recycling correctly and reducing waste
- Encouraging sustainable travel choices
- Being proactive in promoting sustainability
- Actively engaging with events and opportunities related to sustainability
The 3 halls at the top of the tree each term win money towards their Rag total:
- £250 for 1st
- £175 for 2nd
- £150 for 3rd
This means you can win up to £750 towards your hall’s Rag total, and your ranking also counts towards Hall of the Year!
The Student Halls Carbon Action Plan is a tool which students in halls can use to see numerous suggested actions, ideas, and resources when participating in the Green League. Actions can also be recorded on this tool so that the Sustainability Team are able to keep track of your progress as a hall, and award points and prizes to the winners. Hall Campus and Sustainability Reps will have access to the Student Halls Carbon Action Plan, with training sessions and videos being released to demonstrate the tool.
There are plenty of ways you can help your hall climb to top of the Green League tree; some past activities have included blackouts, clothes swaps, and recycling quizzes. Feel free to get imaginative and create your own actions to add to the CAP!
If you are a first-year student living in halls and want to get involved in more environmental activities, please speak to your hall CAS rep (you can find out who this is by asking your hall manager). You can also tell your CAS rep that you want to apply to become a Sustainability Champion and have a say in initiatives and campaigns that are running on campus.
Come to our Sustainability Coffee Drop-Ins on the first Thursday of each month (starting in October 2022) to chat with a member of the Sustainability Team about any opportunities, wishes, or questions you may have.
Alternatively, contact us with any other questions about the Student Green League and ways to get involved with sustainability at Loughborough.