Project - Student Finance
Give me clear financial information and mechanisms to pay my fees and monitor my University account.
Project Sponsor: Jennifer Nutkins (Academic Registrar), James Henry Deputy Director of Finance)
Process Owners: Richard Barber (Academic Registry), Jake Perkins (Finance)
Change Team Facilitator: Meg Stafford
Project Status: Scale up
The University has a range of financial interactions with students, such as tuition fees, accommodation fees and scholarships/bursaries.A process review found that the University receives a high volume of student queries when financial statements are issued, leading to a recommendation to commence a programme of work in this area to improve student experience.
In 2019, this recommendation was approved.A Programme Boardwas formedto oversee the scale-up phase, which consists of several distinct strands including tuition fees, accommodation, scholarships & bursaries, and payments.Work has subsequently been carried out to improve the data structures within corporate systems (LUSI and Agresso) and is ongoing to provide students with clearer financial information, improved mechanisms to pay their fees and monitor their financial accounts. The programme is now in its final phase and due to complete in 2022.
Further information is available from: Meg Stafford.