Project - Dynamic Working
To establish optimal Dynamic Working arrangements whilst retaining campus and workplace vibrancy.
Project Sponsor: Richard Taylor (COO)
Programme Director: Ffyona Baker (Director of OD & Change)
Programme Manager: Steve Harris
Project Status: Scale up
Dynamic Working describes working arrangements in which the working location and to some degree the working pattern that staff operate under are flexible from week to week.Typically, staff who are Dynamic Working will work the majority of their time from campus but will also spend one or more days a week working from their homes. This is being handled through informal arrangements between managers and their teams. This allows us to have the flexibility to adjust the arrangements to suit individual and business needs and to means the arrangements can be more easily modified if they are not working optimally.
We are taking a phased approach. In the first phase Dynamic Working arrangements are being implemented to see how well they work. In parallel with this, we are running a pilot in the Rutland building to look at how desk sharing arrangements and meeting room use will work for staff undertaking Dynamic Working.
Once we have established settled patterns of Dynamic Working and understood from the pilot what works for people, we will move forward to gradually roll out arrangements to rationalise the space that is freed up by Dynamic Working.
Further information is available from:The Dynamic Working Portal or from Steve Harris.