Limited availability: Have you been invited to upgrade to the new Windows 11 service?

New Windows 11 service

If you've received an email from IT Services inviting you to upgrade to the new Windows 11 service but haven't scheduled your appointment yet, we encourage you to do so as soon as possible.

Bookings are now open, with appointments available until Wednesday 16 April. Please refer to the link in your email invite to secure your booking.

It's important that you select a date and time that works best for you and ensures your availability for the booking.

Your cooperation will help deliver a smooth and efficient rollout of the upgrade, providing you with a fully supported and secure operating system well before Windows 10 reaches its end-of-service date.

The upgrade is an in-person process carried out at the Deployment Centre 11 Holywell Drive (White House) on campus which can be accessed via Car Park 5. The opening times are from 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM.

Find out more about the Windows 11 service and preparing your device for upgrade at 

Windows 11 upgrade | IT Services | Loughborough University