Lump Sum Payment - in year

Reward staff with a one-off payment between £200 to £1000


All staff are eligible for this award. Rewards can be for an individual or a team.


Lump sums can be applied at any point in the year.

What do you get?

Available all year round, which can be awarded to an individual or to a team to recognise exceptional performance in the context of a one-off task or project. One off payments are non-consolidated. This means it does not become part of your salary. One off payments are also non-pensionable. Payments are made through payroll and are subject to tax and NICs.


Where an individual or a team has made an exceptional contribution, over and above normal expectation, in the context of a significant, time constrained piece of work, or where an individual's exceptional performance is not yet on a sustained basis to meet the criteria for an additional exceptional range increment or spot salary increment but is still worthy of recognition due to its significance.

This may be where an individual or a team, over the course of a number of months, demonstrates that they;

  • Concluded additional, time limited responsibilities e.g. an exceptional project, extraordinary cover for an absent team member
  • Demonstrated a proactive, positive and flexible approach to enable the achievement of School/Service strategic objectives (this should not be interpreted as working additional or excessive hours)
  • Achieved particularly challenging goals or objectives to ensure critical deadlines are met.
  • Engaged in community activities within the university (that are over and above the expectations of the role but not sufficient to warrant a change of grade and where workload remission is not normally granted). Community activities relate to providing a general service and citizenship within the area or university which is outside the remint of the individual/team's role.

Who nominates?

Nominations can be generated by line managers (or another relevant manager) via the School/Service Senior Leadership Team (SLT) or the annual Schools/Service Review Group meeting (SRG). .


Recommendations are considered and authorised by the School or Service Senior Leadership Team (SLT).

SLTs should be chaired by the Head of School or Service (or their delegate) and should include the School/Service Senior HR Business Partner as an independent advisor in the process.

Applications can be made all year round and are paid once authorised.

Any recommendation which differs from the norms set out above or where the panel cannot reach a consensus will be referred to the Director of HR.

Recording and Processing

Currently, Schools/Services Admin notify HR Services and Payroll with details of the payments. 

From 2025, Schools/Services Admin will record the lump sum payments directly on iTrent using GL account code 1905.


Successful colleagues will receive a letter from the appropriate Dean or Director.