Hazlerigg and Rutland floorplans

The floorplans available to download below show you the locations of Professional Services based in these buildings, meeting rooms, hotdesking rooms, collaboration and break-out areas. Some points to note:

  • The Rooms report on the Meeting on campus page and has details of meeting room managers and booking permissions for these rooms.
  • A small number of rooms have priority use by University Leadership Team and Human Resources. This is communicated in the email confirmation you receive when you book these rooms and is indicated on the floor plans. Please do not book business critical meetings in these rooms if they cannot be rescheduled to another time/location.
  •  RUT.0.02 is a fantastic collaboration space for both in-person and hybrid meetings and events and is bookable by all staff. The furniture is fully re-configurable. It is fully Teams enabled and has large white boards.
  •  HAZ.0.25 is a multi-use room that can be booked for meetings, breast-feeding and prayers (if deemed suitable on a case by case basis). Alternative prayer facilities are available in the Chaplaincy in the Edward Herbert Building (EHB).