First Aid Policy
Introduction and Definition
The First Aid at Work Policy covers the arrangements required to ensure that appropriate first-aid provision is situated in all places of work throughout Loughborough University.
Specifically, the arrangements for:
- Providing help for the purpose of preserving life and minimising the consequences of injury or illness until such time as professional medical support can be obtained; and
- Treating minor injuries which would not otherwise receive any treatment, or which do not warrant treatment by a medical professional (for example a doctor, nurse or paramedic).
First-aid given promptly and effectively can save lives. Loughborough University has the responsibility to ensure that adequate arrangements are put in place to provide sufficient first aid provision to its staff, students and visitors.
Duty Holders
Duties and responsibilities of the “Duty Holder” are provided below.
Deans of School/Directors and Heads of Professional Services
Deans of School/ Directors and Heads of Professional Services shall:
- Ensure a first aid needs assessment (Appendix A) is completed for their School or service.
- Ensure new starters receive information relating to first aid provision and how this can be accessed within their first month.
- Ensure first aiders are provided with sufficient time for training and to maintain the first aid equipment such as automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) storing records.
Ensure first aid equipment, including AEDs, under their control are correctly maintained, stored in a safe place, accessible to first aiders and ready for use at all times.
Heads of Operations
The Head of Operations shall:
- Make recommendations to the Dean of School or the Director of Professional Services to ensure that first aid provision is in line with the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.
- Facilitate the completion of a first aid needs assessment for their School or Service.
- Ensure that adequate first aid cover is maintained for planned absences, e.g., annual leave.
- Ensure that in larger and more diverse buildings, there is effective communication and cooperation between the trained staff in each area of the building.
Line Managers
Line managers are responsible for:
- Ensuring that the staff they line manage are aware of the first aid provision and procedures available within their work area.
School Safety Officers (SSO)
School Safety Officers shall:
- Maintain a list of First Aiders for their area of responsibility.
- Ensure that the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Service are notified when first aiders join, leave or move areas.
- Liaise with the Head of Operations to ensure that an adequate number first aiders to provide cover during normal working hours following the first aids needs assessment.
- Ensure first aid kits fully stocked, regularly checked and up to date.
University Health and Safety Service
The University Health and Safety Service shall:
- Ensure that the University has a sufficient number of fully trained first aiders, by monitoring that each department/ building reviews their first aid needs every three years or after any significant change, whichever is the sooner; and to advise on any shortages.
- Ensure that first aiders receive adequate and timely training which meets the requirements of relevant legislation and associated guidance (Appendix B).
- Consider any request for additional first aid provision made by a Dean, Director or Head of Service or any other senior officer of the University (for example in the case of Fieldwork).
- Ensure suitable and sufficient first aid signage is provided and maintained.
- Advise on the appropriate arrangements for the deployment of AEDs (Appendix C).
- Review and revise this Policy every three years or, after significant change, whichever is sooner.
Note: Any additional provision not considered necessary may be refused or provided at the cost of the requesting area.
The Head of Security shall:
- Ensure all appropriate Security vehicles are equipped with a serviced and operational AED and have a fully stocked and in date first aid kit.
The University Security team shall:
- Provide a baseline of first aid cover on a 24-hour basis.
- Hold a valid first aid at work certificate.
University First Aiders
All Loughborough University First Aiders are required to be flexible and understand that they may be required to cover areas and buildings near their normal working location, including external spaces such as car parks, and not just the School/Department to which they belong.
Any treatment given by Loughborough University First Aiders is deemed to be under the instruction of the University. Provided the First Aider acts in good faith and within the scope of any training given to them, they are covered by the University’s Liability insurance.
University First Aiders shall:
- Possess the physical capability to effectively perform the duties of a First Aider
- Hold a current First Aid certificate. This can be the full First Aid at Work (FAW) Certificate, or the First Aid at Work Requalification (FAWR) Certificate.
- Keep up to date with training and current knowledge, including any refresher training deemed necessary by the University.
- Inform their safety officer of any change in circumstances, which may impact them from discharging their duties as a First Aider, including any change of building or room or extension number where they are routinely based.
Note: Holding an Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) Certificate does not automatically mean the individual is a nominated University First Aider, however it is an essential qualification for roles where a basic knowledge of first aid is required i.e., in low-risk office areas.
Procedures and Guidance
There are specific procedures and guidance when requesting first aid that staff must adhere to when administering first aid (Appendix D).
Sporting Events
There are specific arrangements in place to cover sporting events. The ‘Medic Cover Checklist’ is available from Loughborough Sport by contacting
The arrangements must consider the size of event that is being planned and the level of risk. All events are covered by the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.
These regulations require all employers to provide ‘adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities, and personnel to ensure their employees receive immediate attention if they are injured or taken ill at work.’ The HSE recommends including event attendees also.
There are two types of events that take place on campus:
- Loughborough University organised events (e.g., Loughborough Lightning matches) - for these events there are Normal Operating Procedures – NOP P.01.047 – as detailed in Appendix D. First Aid Cover is provided to players/ participants via an external provider. For Spectators first aid is provided by on duty facility staff and security staff.
- For external events organised by external companies or partners, the responsibility of first aid cover falls on the event organisers. For example, the School Games.
Staff members organising fieldwork are required to undertake a first aid needs risk assessment, to ensure all eventualities are covered and that the University fulfils its duty of care to protect its staff and students.
Prior to all Fieldwork
- A full fieldwork risk assessment must be conducted.
- The fieldwork risk assessment should be reviewed by the School Safety Officer and approved by the Head of Department.
- Only staff and students with approved fieldwork risk assessments are permitted to conduct fieldwork.
- The designated first aider must have a full first aid at work certificate.
- An appropriate first aid kit should be available, based on the risk assessment undertaken. Schools/departments are responsible for supplying first aid kits.
- A qualification is available, where appropriate, in Outdoor First Aid, FAA Level 3 Award.
First aiders trained through University approved courses are not authorised to supply or administer any form of medication, including but not limited to prescription medication, over-the-counter drugs, or controlled substances.
First Aid Taxis
A first aid taxi is to be used where students, staff or visitors need to be conveyed to, or returned from, a treatment centre such as a hospital or the Sexual Offence Referral Centre and it is impractical to use other means because of anticipated ambulance attendance times or staff resource and availability.
It is expected that staff required to carry out the function may be absent from campus for some time.
It should not be used for routine journeys to the Loughborough Walk-In Centre/ routine medical appointments, it is a service only to be used in an emergency.
To obtain a first aid taxi please call security on 01509 222141 and the team will assess each incident on a case-by-case basis.
Guidelines for First Aid Equipment
The combination of the first aid needs assessment and the health and safety risk assessment, determine the level of first-aid cover and first-aid equipment required.
- All first-aid equipment must be suitably marked in a green box with a white cross, easily accessible and available in places where working conditions require it.
- First-aid containers should protect first-aid items from dust and damp.
- First-aid boxes ought to contain items for administering first-aid and nothing else.
- There is no mandatory list of first-aid materials to be included in the first-aid box. The content selection of first-aid boxes will result from a first aid needs assessment.
The school or department should liaise with the Health, Safety and Wellbeing service, who can advise on the first-aid equipment required (Appendix E).
Arco is the University’s recommended provider for first aid kits and refills, the link to Arco’s website can be found here: Arco First Aid Kits.
Note: Medication, disinfectants, ointments, etc are NOT to be held in a first-aid box under any circumstance.
Chemical Hazards
A small number of materials which have the potential to cause acute harm may require the provision of specific treatments or antidotes. An example is the use of calcium gluconate gel as an antidote for skin exposure to hydrofluoric acid.
When conducting assessments under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) 2002, attention should be paid to first aid requirements.
The need for antidotes should be determined during the risk assessment process, which should also consider any products or byproducts that may be formed. The material safety data sheet (MSDS) should be used to inform the risk assessment process, particularly Section 2 which identifies associated hazards and Section 4 which outlines first aid measures.
Record Keeping
All first aid equipment should be checked annually and a record kept of its dates and contents.
After equipment has been used, it will need inspected immediately after use.