Description of the works
Swift boxes will be installed on the external walls of the buildings listed below. For some, a caller may also be installed which will require access to the nearest internal space (beyond a window). This will be dealt with on the day on an individual basis. Most boxes will not have callers fitted.
Buildings are:
University Lodge D (403) - What3Words - ///quench.assist.cute
Telford 4B - (406) - What3Words - ///image.debit.grant
Faraday U - (456) - What3Words - ///equal.lazy.mount
Rutherford 16 (502) - What3Words - ///device.guess.else
Faraday AA (462) - What3Words - ///post.prove.lamp
New Bridgeman (206) - What3Words - ///trio.driver.much
Brockington Extension (029) - What3Words - ///
Wavy Top GG Block (052) - What3Words - ///lions.longer.stand
Falkner Block 34 (584) - What3Words - ///loud.coast.lawn
17 February 2025
How can I get more information and help?
The Estates and Facilities Management team member looking after the task is detailed below and can be contacted about any difficulties experienced because of these works.
Name and Job Title: Rich Fenn Griffin - Assistant Gardens Manager
Mobile: 07891950575