Bridgeman Building (206) Offices BRI2.05-6 AC Installation - February 2025

Posted: 7 January 2025

Description of the works

A new VRF multi-split DX AC system will be installed in the Bridgeman offices BRI2.05-6. The external condenser will be positioned at roof level using crane lifting equipment scheduled during out of normal working hours, this will take place Saturday 8th February with the Bridgman Building/Student Services car park being cordoned off in the afternoon of Friday 07th February 2025.

Each of the indoor units will be linked via new pipework that will be installed to new trays routed internally within each room to the ceiling permitter, the route of the pipework outside of these rooms will be hidden within the adjacent large office (BRI2.08) ceiling void and corridor (BRI2.106) ceiling void where it will rise up to the roof level plant space.

The new tray route will affect the fire compartmentation to zone 5 and will be fire stopped to the University’s engineering standard upon completion of the works.

New electrical supplies will be taken from the second-floor corridor distribution board 206/2/LP1 and taken along the same route as the pipework using the same trays.

Some disruption mainly noises and contractor presence to office BRI2.08 and corridor BRI2.106 is expected for the duration of the works, particularly around the second-floor areas stated (near female toilets and kitchen access), clear access will be needed for use of stepladders for high level access.

The works will be conducted by our mechanical contractor - William Freer.


3 Weeks commencing Monday 3rd February 2025, completion Friday 21st February 2025.

How can I get more information and help?

The Estates and Facilities Management team member looking after the task is detailed below and can be contacted about any difficulties experienced because of these works.

Aaron Smart – Mechanical Building Services Engineer

Mobile:  07989420705
