Loughborough Doctoral College

Essential information

Group of students, some in discussion with each other, at an event for doctoral researchers

Peer Representation

Doctoral Researcher Experience Board

The DR Experience Board act as the final point of representation and works to effect positive change on behalf of all doctoral researchers. The board is chaired by a Doctoral Researcher and members include DR Lead Reps, LSU President, Doctoral College Representative, Director of Student Influence at LSU, and ad-hoc members (based on necessity). The board represents the views of doctoral researchers at an institutional level by collecting feedback from DR Leads and conveying this to senior university staff both one-to-one and in large-scale university committees. The main role of the board is to:

  • Facilitate positive dialogue and partnership between DRs, the Doctoral College and LSU
  • Champion DR rights
  • Consider emergent issues affecting DRs (such as received through the open DR forum)
  • Respond to urgent matters affecting Doctoral Researchers
  • Advise and make proposals to the Doctoral College Sub-committee, Research and Innovation Committee, and the LSU Executive team. 
  • Discuss DR matters within Lboro and wider HE 

To contact the DR Experience Board, please email at DRExperience@lsu.co.uk. This year’s Chair and Vice-chair for the board are:


Meherunisa (Mia) Baig, School of Design and Creative Arts; M.Baig@lboro.ac.uk

Vice Chair:

Esther Mgbemeje, School of Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering; e.a.mgbemeje@lboro.ac.uk 


They will work closely with the Loughborough Students' Union President (President@lsu.co.uk) who is now accountable for the enhancement of that all-important wider DR Experience. To know more about the DR Experience Board, its Terms of Reference and Composition go to LSU DR Representation.

DR Lead Rep and DR Rep

Lead Representatives act as a point of contact for Representatives within each School and liaise with the DR Presidential team. They also keep researchers informed about various developments and changes. DR Reps represent and champion the views of Doctoral Researchers on your degree programme by presenting your feedback to those in a position of influence. They can be the first point of contact within the school’s research group for academic matters or guide you to appropriate university services and support.

DR Lead Representatives for the Year 2023/24


DR Lead Rep

School of Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering (AACME) Muhammad Ahsan Zaheer Mir
School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering (ABCE) Kuldeep Singh Sodha
Loughborough Business School (LB) Tunmike Olowe
School of Design and Creative Arts (SDCA) Fengjin Yu
Loughborough University London (LUL) Wang (Zhe)
School of Science (SCI) Susie (Shu-Jui) Chang
School of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)  Eleanor Strangways
School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences (SSEHS) Robert Booth
Wolfson School of Mechanical, Manufacturing and Electrical Engineering (Wolfson) Muhammad Ali Tariq