The Chaplaincy provides many rooms to facilitate worship, prayer, reflection and group meetings.
For room bookings please get in touch
Quiet Room- EHB224
A space for any member of the university to use for reflection, meditation, prayer or for pastoral meetings.
Chapel- EHB208
The chapel is a large space available for Christian formal services, worship, prayer or quiet reflection and sanctuary.
Prayer Room-EHB228
A space for Muslim prayer and reflection. Male and Female ablution facilities lead directly into the prayer room. This facility is intended for the use of staff, students and tenants of the University. Visitors to campus are asked to contact Chaplaincy for advice on access and opening hours.
Multifaith Rooms- EHB 209, 210 & 211
A space that can be used as one large room or separated by partitions into three small rooms. These rooms can be booked for any faith or spirituality related purpose.
Innerspace- EHB217
A space to meet friends, study or relax during your day. The Innerspace also contains a collection of books and resources from different world religions and faiths that can be borrowed by request.