Teaching Timetabling Policy

Approved on 31 Oct 2024

1. Timetabling Principles

  1. The teaching timetable is constructed based on the following principles:
    1. Facilitating the highest quality learning and teaching experience for students and staff by:
      • Timely publication of teaching timetables
      • Minimising timetable clashes
      • Ensuring adequate breaks across the teaching week
      • Monitoring travel time for back-to-back teaching sessions
    2. Supporting effective curriculum delivery and optimal estate utilisation by:
      • Making use of the full teaching estate
      • Ensuring that teaching takes place in the most appropriate space for the delivery type
      • Scheduling teaching sessions in an appropriate sequence across the semester
      • Making use of the full teaching week to schedule teaching sessions
  2. Further information on how this is achieved is provided below.

2. The Teaching Week

  1. The ‘teaching week’ is the period during University terms in which teaching sessions will normally be scheduled.  For the East Midlands campus, it is defined as 09:00-18:00 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, and 09:00-13:00 on Wednesday.  For the London campus, it is defined as 09:00-18:00 Monday – Friday.
  2. Teaching on Wednesday afternoons for the East Midlands campus will be avoided wherever possible, to enable students to take part in extracurricular activities.
  3. Best efforts will be made to avoid teaching on Fridays 17:00-18:00, particularly one-hour sessions.
  4. Teaching will not be scheduled on Bank Holidays or University closure days.
  5. Students are expected to attend all scheduled teaching sessions, and attendance will normally be monitored via the University’s Digital Register system, in line with the University’s policy on Attendance and Engagement

3. The Teaching Estate

  1. The ‘teaching estate’ consists of any on-campus space that is primarily used for teaching activity.  This will mainly take one of the following forms:
    1. Pool Teaching Rooms – centrally managed spaces where teaching from many disciplines can be scheduled. 
    2. School/Department Teaching Rooms – spaces managed by a School or Department for the purpose of teaching their students. 
  2. Meeting rooms and study spaces may be used for teaching activities as appropriate for delivery.

4. Teaching Timetable and Production

  1. The teaching timetable will be constructed following a planned production cycle [link to be added], containing a number of key deadline dates, with reference to the roles and responsibilities set out in Appendix B which enables the timetable to be produced on time to a high standard.
  2. The teaching timetable should consist of all scheduled learning as defined in module specifications, as well as ‘supplementary’ sessions as detailed in section 5.2, forming part of a student’s personalised timetable.
  3. Teaching sessions will normally be booked for whole hours and commence on the hour, except where this suits the pedagogy of the session, or where other timings can improve room utilisation.
  4. Formal teaching should finish 10 minutes before the scheduled end time to allow for room changeover and for students and staff to travel to their next session.

5. Non-Teaching and Supplementary Sessions

  1. Guided independent study and other non-teaching activity will not normally form part of the teaching timetable.  
  2. The following are considered supplementary sessions and will form part of the timetable (but will not be subject to attendance check-in):
    1. Peer Assisted Learning
    2. Personal Best
    3. Careers and Placement activity 
  3. Supplementary sessions will normally be scheduled after the main teaching timetable has been confirmed.
  4. Any other non-teaching requests not set out in section 5.2 above should be submitted to the Room Bookings Team as per the Room Bookings Policy [link to be added on completion of policy].

6. Publication

  1. The teaching timetable will be published to students and staff on a semester basis via the Online Timetable and calendar tile in the myLboro app.
  2. Publication to students will be 4 weeks prior to the start of the semester, with the exception of Semester 1 timetables for new incoming students, which will be published no later than 1 week prior to the start of the semester.
  3. Timetables for students with advanced support requirements will be published earlier than general publication where possible, in order for those students to secure relevant resources and measures to support their learning.   
  4. Staff will be provided with an unroomed draft teaching timetable (as set out in the timetable production cycle in section 4.1 above), on which they can provide feedback during a defined time period.  They will subsequently receive a final roomed timetable, usually 1 week prior to timetables being published to students.
  5. The Timetabling System is the University’s master source of timetabling information, and populates a number of other downstream systems.  Timetabling information provided to students, staff and other stakeholders should derive from that master source, and should not be made into static copies, except in exceptional circumstances whereby the stakeholders have no other means of accessing their timetable.

7. Staff Availability

  1. Staff should be available for teaching throughout the full duration of the teaching week, as set out in section 2.1, except where they are working at less than 1.0FTE, or if they have a formally agreed flexible working arrangement or reasonable adjustment.
  2. Staff availability information should ideally be provided during the data collection phase of the timetabling cycle, as part of the University’s Annual Update of Programmes and Modules.  
  3. Where staff availability information changes after the teaching timetable build has begun (see Section 4.1), the Timetabling Team should be informed as soon as possible, to ensure all necessary parameters are considered.  
  4. Flexible working arrangements should be formally agreed under the University’s HR policy.
  5. Where flexible working arrangements are requested, consideration should be given to the impact on teaching delivery and timetabling.
  6. Where staff availability for teaching needs to be reduced due to strategic research priorities, the Timetabling Team should be informed as soon as possible, to ensure all necessary parameters are considered.
  7. Staff preferences for specific delivery patterns will not normally be considered outside of the circumstances set out in sections 7.1-7.6.

8. Post-Publication Changes

  1. ‘Post-publication changes’ are defined as any changes to teaching timetables after initial publication.  Post-publication changes can have a negative impact on students who may have planned around their teaching timetable (e.g. travel arrangements, caring responsibilities, employment).
  2. Whilst some post-publication changes are unavoidable (e.g. illness, unexpected emergencies), staff should seek to prevent avoidable post-publication changes to the timetable wherever possible, both by ensuring accurate submission of their timetabling information during the Annual Update process, and by carefully checking draft timetables before they are published.
  3. Where post-publication changes are requested less than 48 hours before the teaching session concerned, the staff member requesting the change is responsible for informing students as soon as possible. 

Supplementary Reading 


Appendix A – Timetabling Performance Matrix: Measuring Policy Effectiveness

In order to measure the effectiveness of the Timetabling Policy (with particular reference to the timetabling principles set out in section 1), and of the production cycle as a whole, an annual set of timetabling metrics will be established.  This will include the following:

Measure Description Target
Publication Was the timetable published to students on time (by school/part)? Yes
Change Management Volume of ‘avoidable’ post-publication changes YOYR*
Continuous Teaching - Students Number of incidences where students have more than 4 consecutive hours of teaching YOYR*
Continuous Teaching - Staff Number of incidences where staff have more than 4 consecutive hours of teaching YOYR*
Student Clashes Number of students experiencing an unresolved clash YOYR*
Lunch Hours - Students Number of instances of students having no break between 11:00-15:00 YOYR*
Lunch Hours - Staff Number of instances of staff having no break between 11:00-15:00 YOYR*
Room Frequency of Use Frequency of use for all teaching rooms 60%
Room Occupancy Proportion of room capacity actually used 60%
Room Utilisation Proportion of capacity used across space and time 40%
Heatmap Data Heatmaps of rooms/buildings across the teaching estate to review usage patterns YOYI** - balance
Timeliness – Annual Update Percentage of programme, module and timetabling information submitted on time as part of the Annual Update process 100%

*YOYR – year on year reduction

**YOYI – year on year improvement

Appendix B – Roles and Responsibilities

Academic Registry

Timetabling Team

The Timetabling Team are responsible for:

  1. Producing a process schedule timeline that ensures production of the teaching timetable by the publication deadlines set out in this Timetabling Policy and communicating key deadlines to stakeholders.
  2. The scheduling and room allocation of all core teaching activity for undergraduate and postgraduate taught students.
  3. Ensuring that timetabling is conducted in line with this Timetabling Policy.
  4. Monitoring and reporting on the quality of timetabling data.
  5. Making reasonable adjustments for teaching sessions for students and staff where highlighted by Student Wellbeing and Inclusivity (SWAI).
  6. Providing SWAI with timetabling information for students with additional support needs, prior to the main release of timetables to students where possible.
  7. Administering the University’s module choice process and facilitating the selection of optional modules during the designated module choice periods.
  8. Monitoring and reporting on the allocation and usage of pool teaching spaces.
  9. Resolving any competing requests for teaching spaces, both during the room allocation process and on an ad-hoc basis where required.
  10. The designated ownership of the University’s Timetabling System, with support from IT Services.
  11. Maintaining and operating the University’s online module choice system (MOCS), with support from IT Services.
  12. Maintaining and operating the University's system for capturing teaching data requirements (Timetabling Information System), with support from IT Services.
  13. Producing training and guidance for staff, and offering ongoing support in relation to engaging with the Timetabling Information System and the University’s Timetabling System.
  14. Producing and maintaining guidance for students on how to access and understand their timetable, and on how to engage with the online module choice system.
  15. Granting permission and overseeing access to the University’s Timetabling System, in conjunction with IT Services.
  16. Scheduling language modules in conjunction with the Language Centre.
  17. Scheduling agreed ‘supplementary’ sessions set out in section 5.2. 

Room Bookings Team

The Room Bookings Team are responsible for:

  1. All non-teaching bookings (aside from those set out in section 5.2), in conjunction with Imago and other stakeholders.

Student Records Office (SRO)

The Student Records Office are responsible for:

  1. The maintenance of data relating to students and curriculum within the Student Record System (LUSI), with support from Professional Services colleagues in schools and other departments.

Programme Quality and Teaching Partnerships (PQTP)

Programme Quality and Teaching Partnerships are responsible for:

  1. The Annual Update process, incorporating the updating of programmes, modules and timetabling information.
  2. Liaising with the Timetabling Team regarding the programme approval process, for any changes to existing programmes, as well as new programmes being introduced, or programmes being discontinued.  


Academic Schools/Departments

Teaching Staff

Teaching staff are responsible for:

  1. Ensuring the submission of programme, module and timetabling information as part of the Annual Update process by the published deadlines.
  2. Engaging with the draft timetable process, by thoroughly checking draft timetables and providing feedback to the Timetabling Team by the published deadlines, including (but not limited to) the contact hours as set out in the module specification, the information provided via the Timetabling Information System, the suitability of the teaching rooms, any software requirements or other specialist equipment.
  3. Checking final staff timetables and ensuring knowledge of room location prior to teaching session delivery.
  4. Regularly checking their timetable on an ongoing basis during each semester to stay abreast of any unexpected changes.
  5. Responsible for limiting avoidable post-publication changes as much as possible.
  6. Seeking teaching cover as the first point of call for any unavoidable absences (sickness, family emergencies etc).
  7. Completing the post-publication change form to request any post-publication changes.
  8. Being available for teaching for the full duration of the teaching week as identified in this Timetabling Policy, except where staff have approved working patterns at less than 1.0 FTE or an approved Flexible Working Arrangement.
  9. Ensuring that if any Flexible Working Arrangement requests are made after the Annual Update deadline, the Timetabling Team are informed as soon as possible of any impact on teaching delivery.
  10. Ensuring that where staff recruitment takes place after the Annual Update deadline, the Timetabling Team are informed as soon as possible of any potential delivery changes that may be required.
  11. Reporting any maintenance issues in teaching rooms or buildings via the FM Helpdesk.
  12. Reporting any issues with audio visual equipment or IT software to the Teaching Support Team.
  13. Liaising with the Timetabling Team regarding programme approval; be those changes to existing programmes, new programmes being launched, or programmes being discontinued.
  14. Ensuring that all teaching sessions finish 10 minutes before the published end time to allow effective changeover in teaching rooms.
  15. Ensuring that all furniture is returned back to the original layout at the end of each teaching session.

School/Department Administration Teams

School/Departmental Administration Teams are responsible for:

  1. Working with teaching staff to ensure submission of programme, module and timetabling information as part of the Annual Update process.
  2. Supporting the online module choice process and encouraging students to engage.
  3. Liaising with the Timetabling Team regarding any module change requests outside of the online module choice window.
  4. Directing students and staff to their online timetable/myLboro app as the master source of truth for timetabling information, and only providing static copies of timetabling information to students or staff in exceptional situations where they have no other means of accessing their timetable.
  5. Liaising with the Timetabling Team regarding any discussions relating to potential changes of School/Department teaching rooms.
  6. Liaising with the Timetabling Team regarding programme approval, be those changes to existing programmes, new programmes being launched, or programmes being discontinued.


Other Professional Services

IT Services

IT Services are responsible for:

  1. Ensuring the effective operation of the University’s Timetabling System, in conjunction with the Timetabling Team and the external software providers.
  2. Ensuring the effective operation of all timetabling data flows through integrations in conjunction with the Timetabling Team, including (but not limited to):
    1. The University’s Timetabling System;
    2. The online timetable;
    3. The myLboro app;
    4. The University’s Student Record System LUSI;
    5. The University’s online module choice system MOCS;
    6. The Timetabling Information System;
    7. The Module Information System;
    8. The Programme Information System;
    9. Timetabling information screens outside of teaching rooms;
    10. ReVIEW lecture capture;
    11. The University’s attendance management system;
    12. Co-Tutor
  3. Facilitating the annual rollover of timetabling data in the University’s Timetabling System.
  4. Facilitating the annual rollover of the online module choice system MOCS.
  5. Facilitating the annual rollover of the Timetabling Information System.
  6. The provision of dummy student data for Parts A, F and T to facilitate timetable planning for incoming students.
  7. Processing programme transfers and insurance choice overrides in the online module choice system MOCS.
  8. Liaising with the Timetabling Team regarding any system maintenance or downtime that may impact on timetabling operations.
  9. Updating the timetabling-specific reports available in LUSI Reporting.

Estates and Facilities Management

Estates and Facilities Management are responsible for:

  1. The maintenance of the physical teaching estate, including the teaching rooms and buildings themselves and furniture within them, ensuring that all teaching rooms meet a minimum threshold for suitable teaching delivery.
  2. Ensuring adequate signage and wayfinding is in place around campus to assist students and staff.
  3. Conducting a room survey ahead of each semester to check all teaching rooms for any maintenance issues, and that all rooms remain at the correct layout and capacity.  
  4. Liaising with the Timetabling Team regarding any queries or potential changes to the layout or capacity of teaching rooms.
  5. Ensuring access to all teaching spaces on campus during term time (core teaching hours plus any out of hours bookings in weekly liaison with the Timetabling Team).
  6. Liaising with the Timetabling Team regarding any planned maintenance works within teaching rooms and buildings, with sufficient advanced warning to ensure any disruption can be minimised.
  7. Resolving any maintenance issues within teaching rooms or buildings.  
  8. Liaising with the Timetabling Team regarding any capital projects or strategic planning that may impact on teaching space.

Teaching Support

Teaching Support are responsible for:

  1. The maintenance of all audio-visual and IT equipment across the teaching estate.
  2. Liaising with the Room Bookings Team regarding any maintenance works within teaching rooms and buildings.

Strategic Planning Team & Admissions

The Strategic Planning Team and Admissions are responsible for:

  1. Providing the Timetabling Team with School, Department and programme targets for incoming students on an annual basis.
  2. Liaising with the Timetabling Team regarding any changes to planned targets in response to specific recruitment challenges.
  3. Regular circulation of admissions data to the Timetabling Team showing progress against targets previously described.
  4. Providing the Timetabling Team with Clearing planning information and ongoing data throughout the Clearing process.
  5. Providing the Timetabling Team with progression data from the University’s ONCAMPUS programme.

Student Wellbeing and Inclusivity (SWAI)

Student Wellbeing and Inclusivity (SWAI) are responsible for:

  1. Providing the Timetabling Team with up-to-date and accurate information about reasonable adjustments for students.
  2. Liaising with additional support services for students with additional support needs once timetables are provided by the Timetabling Team.

Language Centre

The Language Centre are responsible for:

  1. Liaising with the Timetabling Team to provide all necessary information about language modules, including the modules that are running, group numbers and sizes etc.
  2. Making sure teaching sessions on language modules are staffed.
  3. Resolving clashes for students on language modules.
  4. Organising language assessments and providing details to the Room Bookings Team.



Students are responsible for:

  1. Checking their timetables regularly throughout each semester, to ensure they have the most up-to-date information of where their teaching will take place.
  2. Being available for teaching throughout the full duration of the teaching week as identified in this Timetabling Policy.
  3. Engaging with the module choice process and selecting module choices in the appropriate window.
  4. Liaising with SWAI with any accessibility issues relating to teaching sessions.
  5. Reporting any timetable clashes or timetabling-related issues to their School/Department administration team as soon as possible.