Participant feedback
The Developing Veterans’ Resilience through Physical Activity programme has been set up with the needs of veteran's in mind. It is therefore vital that those who attend the programme have a positive experience. Here, participants share their experience.
Military veterans who attended Loughborough University’s first mental wellbeing support programme have described it as ‘life changing’.
Having conceived and led the programme, Wing Commander Craig White said: “It was a true honour to be able to host 16 veterans on the Loughborough campus and provide them with support and life skills that will make a real difference to their quality of life. Seeing what an impact it has had on the attendees makes the whole team even more determined to find further funding. We would encourage anyone who thinks they can help support this incredible programme to get in touch.”
Talks are already under way to run further veteran support programmes at the campus in 2023. Feedback from participants includes: