Tamara Valencic

  • Doctoral Researcher
Start date: October 2021
Primary supervisor: Professor Jonathan Folland
Secondary supervisor(s): Dr Jakob Skarabot / Dr Stefan Kluzek (University of Nottingham)

Tamara obtained her undergraduate degree in Kinesiology in 2019 at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. She then undertook a 15-month position as a technician in an Environmental Physiology and Ergonomics Laboratory at Jožef Stefan Institute (Slovenia), working primarily on projects investigating heat stress mitigation strategies in occupational and military settings (focusing on different types of cooling vests). Tamara then continued her studies at Loughborough University, graduating in 2021 with an MSc in Exercise Physiology. Her MSc research project examined sex differences in motoneuron behaviour alterations following intermittent and sustained isometric fatiguing tasks.


Research Title: Improving ACL rehabilitation: The quantification, consequences and mitigation of inhibited motoneurone activity

Featured Publications


  • Ciuha, U., Valencic, T., & Mekjavic, I. B. (2021). Cooling efficiency of vests with different cooling concepts over 8-hour trials. Ergonomics64(5), 625–639. https://doi.org/10.1080/00140139.2020.1853820
  • Mlinar, T., Jaki Mekjavic, P., Royal, J. T., Valencic, T., & Mekjavic, I. B. (2021). Intraocular pressure during handgrip exercise: The effect of posture and hypercapnia in young males. Physiological Reports.

Conference abstracts:

  • Ciuha, U., Valencic, T., Mekjavic, I. B. (2020, July 6-8). Evaluation of the cooling capacity of commercially available cooling vests [Conference e-poster presentation abstract]. In: FANGUEIRO, Raul (ed.). AUXDEFENSE 2020, 2nd Conference on Advanced Materials for Defense (Online edition), p. 108-109. ISBN 978-989-54808-4-5.