Following a BA in Political Science and Economics (University of Münster), Jenny graduated with an MSc in Global Studies (University of Gothenburg) focusing on conflict resolution and sustainable development in 2021. As part of a research internship and her subsequent master’s thesis, she has started to explore a) the potential of football fans to become drivers of social change, and b) football’s role in engaging the public on climate change. After gaining work experience as a research assistant and project assistant, she is now a full-time PhD student by day and a Zumba instructor in the evenings.
Extra time: enabling climate action in/through football
From the perspective of mobilising large parts of society for climate change, football fans represent a promising yet in this context hardly explored collective.
This project seeks to understand how football fans mobilise on climate change and what implications for social transformation more generally can be derived from this. This follows calls for innovative strategies to engage existing communities on the topic to increase the acceptance for profound societal changes necessary to limit global warming.
Scholarship holder of the Heinrich Böll Foundation
- Sports for Climate Action and Nature (SCAN) Research Cluster
- Sport Ecology Group’s Graduate Student Mentorship Initiative
- Cool Down – The sport for climate action network
- sportainable – The think tank for sustainable sports
Selected Keynotes/Lectures/Panels/Podcasts
- October 2023: Deutschlandfunk Sportgespräch (radio show, in German) ‘Innovation und Klimaschutz. Die Fußball-Bundesliga als möglicherImpulsgeber‘
- September 2023: Keynote ‘Good intentions are only half the story – How to engage the public on sustainability and climate change’ at SustainableSport Symposium (SusSpoSym)
- June 2023: 1,5 Grad – der Klima-Podcast mit Luisa Neubauer Podcast(in German) ‘DFB-Torhüterin Almuth Schult – wie viel Klima steckt imFußball?'
- March 2023: The Sustaining Sport Podcast – ‘”Don’t lecture us” –mobilising football fans on climate change’
- February 2023: The Sustainability Report Podcast – ‘Mobilising footballfans on climate change’
- December 2022: Sport Handelt Fair Workshop (in German) – ‘Klima undNachhaltigkeit im Sport richtig kommunizieren und Eigentore vermeiden‘- September 2022: BASIS – ‘Fan engagement on environmental sustainability workshop’
- September 2021: Sport Positive Virtual Next Gen Summit – Panel & Discussion ‘Sport Driving Societal Change on Climate
- Amann, J., & Doidge, M. (2022). Climate change, catastrophe and hope in football fandom. Sport and physical activity in catastrophic environments.
- Amann, J., & Doidge, M. (2023). ‘I Hadn’t Realised That Change Is Not a Difficult Thing’: Mobilising Football Fans on Climate Change. Sociology, 0(0).