Abbie is enthusiastic about Physiology and Nutrition, particularly in the health sector. She recently completed an MSc in Physiology and Nutrition of Sport and Exercise at Loughborough University, after graduating from Coventry University in BSc Sport and Exercise Science. In 2021, Abbie presented her undergraduate research at the BASES Student conference, which was on the effects of caffeine on repeated sprint exercise in females. Abbie also collaborated with the Wellcome Trust to conduct research on the postural, physical, and muscular effects of eccentric activity on older adults, which was published in 2020 in Frontiers in Physiology.
Research Title: Influence of dietary nitrate supplementation on nitric oxide biomarkers, cardiovascular health and exercise performance
This research builds on what Abbie studied in her postgraduate degree and aims to develop knowledge on the effects of acute and chronic NO3- supplementation in the form of beetroot juice on vascular physiology and other physiological responses in a range of populations. Thus, the implications may have clinical importance for those with hypertension and cardiovascular risk. This project is match-funded with Bio-gen extracts private limited incorporated.
External Activities
Abbie has attended several conferences, including the Lithuania 2019 student conference and the BASES 2021 Student Conference. Abbie presented at both events, either in-person or virtually.
Featured Publications
- BASES 2021 Student Conference: McLellan, A. (2021). Coffee as an Ergogenic Aid in Aerobic Time Trial Performance in Non-Specifically Trained Females.
- Article Publication: Hill, M. W., Hosseini, E., McLellan, A., Price, M. J., Lord, S. R., Kay, A. D. (2020). Delayed impairment of postural, physical, and muscular functions following downhill compared to level walking in older people. Frontiers in Physiology, 11(544559), 1-14. Doi: 10.3389/fphys.2020.544559