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Kajal is a Senior Research Fellow supported by an NIHR Advanced Fellowship. She has a background in psychology and her research focuses on behaviour change for the prevention and management of cancer. She is theme lead for Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Illness within the Centre for Lifestyle Medicine and Behaviour.

Kajal obtained her undergraduate degree in Psychology from Aston University, and her PhD from Loughborough University. Following on from her PhD, Kajal took up a Research Associate position at Coventry University where she worked on several NIHR, MRC and CRUK funded projects developing and evaluating digital health, behaviour change interventions.

Kajal returned to Loughborough University initially as a Senior Research Associate on the NIHR funded Snacktivity programme grant between September 2019 and November 2020. Kajal then continued to explore behavioural interventions for the prevention and management of cancer with both national and international collaborators and funders. Kajal was promoted to Senior Research Fellow in 2024 and was awarded her five-year NIHR Advanced Fellowship in December 2024.

Kajal’s research focuses on the design, implementation, and evaluation of health-related behaviour change interventions, and providing individuals with the resources to make positive changes to their health and well-being. Kajal has strong interests in Psycho-oncology which focuses on aspects of cancer that affect the individual’s lifestyle and psychological well-being. She has expertise in digital, self-managed physical activity interventions for those living with and beyond breast cancer. Kajal has a strong interest in translating evidence into practice and exploring optimum methods for integrating behavioural interventions within NHS settings. She works closely with healthcare professionals, patients with lived experience and other stakeholders.

Selected research grants

  • National Institute for Health Research Advanced Fellowship. Integrating physical activity support into routine NHS breast cancer care: iCAN (£1,212,724.00) Awarded December 2024-November 2029, Personal award.
  • National Institutes of Health. Free Time For Wellness: Effectiveness trial. ($3,972,473) Awarded July 2023- June 2028, Co-applicant.

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