Project title: Nottinghamshire YMCA Access to nature evaluation.
- Dr Janine Coates (PI), Dr Carolynne Mason (Co-I)
- Award Type: Consultancy
- Start date: 18/10/2022
- End date: 03/04/2023
- Funder: YMCA
- Award total: £7,000
- Loughborough award total: £7,000
Project title: Establishing Readiness: Change centred around preventing/addressing workplace bullying: UK Civil Service.
- Professor Fehmidah Munir (Co-I)
- Award Type: EPG
- Start date: 28/10/2022
- Award total: £4,931
Project title: PE as a core subject – Scoping report.
- Dr Oliver Hooper (PI)
- Award Type: Consultancy
- Start date: 03/11/2022
- End date: 01/03/2023
- Funder: Association for Physical Education
- Award total: £5,711
- Loughborough award total: £5,711
Project title: GCRF Additional Funds.
- Professor Emily Rousham (PI)
- Award Type: Research
- Start date: 04/11/2022
- End date: 31/03/2023
- Funder: UK Research and Innovation
- Award total: £35,000
- Loughborough award total: £20,868
Project title: High-throughput quantification of drug loading into advanced delivery systems at the single particle scale.
- Dr Owen Davies (PI)
- Award Type: Research
- Start date: 01/10/2022
- End date: 30/09/2026
- Funder: EPSRC and Nano FCM Co Ltd (co-funded studentship)
- Award total: £96,425
- Loughborough award total: £96,425
Project: Improving physical activity in adults with hearing loss: assessing the impact of hearing aids.
- Dr David Maidment (PI)
- Award Type: Research
- Start date: 01/10/2022
- End date: 31/05/2023
- Funder: SONOVA
- Award total: £42,930
- Loughborough award total: £42,930
Project title: The effect of collagen peptides on appetite and energy intake following exercise.
- Dr Tom Clifford (PI), Dr Stephen Bailey (Co-I), Dr Lewis James (Co-I)
- Award Type: Consultancy
- Start date: 01/12/2022
- End date: 30/06/2024
- Funder: Rousselot
- Award total: £261,420
- Loughborough award total: £261,420
Project title: Design a protocol to validate a novel sensor’s ability to measure oxygen saturation.
- Dr Laura Barrett (PI)
- Award Type: Consultancy
- Start date: 01/12/2022
- End date: 30/04/2023
- Funder: Carelight Ltd
- Award total: £2,413
- Loughborough award total: £2,413
Project title: Factors affecting pupil light reflex.
- Dr Thom Wilcockson (PI)
- Award Type: Research
- Start date: 01/12/2022
- End date: 30/11/2023
- Funder: Solvemed
- Award total: £10,840
- Loughborough award total: £794
Project title: Effects of nutritional supplement blends on sports performance.
- Dr Stephen Mears (PI), Dr Stephen Bailey (Co-I), Dr Lewis James (Co-I), Dr Tom Clifford (Co-I)
- Award Type: Research
- Start date: 01/01/2023
- End date: 31/12/2025
- Funder: Herbalife
- Award total: £114,603
- Loughborough award total: £114,603
Project title: ‘What it takes to Win’ in Wheelchair Racing. Unpicking the determinants of performance and enabling data driven performance decision making by using existing and emerging technologies?
- Professor Vicky Tolfrey (PI), Dr Stuart McErlain-Naylor (Co-I)
- Award Type: Research
- Start date: 01/04/2023
- End date: 31/03/2026
- Funder: English Institute of Sport
- Award total: £36,000
- Loughborough award total: £36,000
Project title: CAPS-ECD - Creating impact through engaging men in care for child development.
- Professor Paula Griffiths (PI)
- Award Type: Research
- Start date: 09/01/2023
- End date: 08/01/2024
- Funder: British Academy
- Award total: £4,000
- Loughborough award total: £4,000
Project title: Whey protein and milk derivates for enhancing muscle performance of middle-aged and older exercisers/athletes.
- Professor Jonathan Folland (PI)
- Award Type: Research
- Start date: 01/04/2023
- End date: 31/03/2027
- Funder: Volac International Limited
- Award total: £178,028
- Loughborough award total: £178,028
Project title: Extending the ITF parent education and support strategy into the talent development and elite player pathway.
- Professor Chris Harwood (PI)
- Award Type: Consultancy
- Start date: 12/12/2022
- End date: 31/12/2023
- Funder: International Tennis Federation
- Award total: £5,302
- Loughborough award total: £5,302
Project title: Sports for Climate Action and Nature (SCAN)
- Dr Stephen Mears (PI)
- Co-Is: Dr Jamie Kenyon, Professor Stacy Clemes, Dr Carolyn Plateau, Dr Clare Stevinson, Dr Lewis James, Dr Lee Taylor, Prof Paul Downward, Dr Russell Seymour, Dr Steph Forrester, Prof Paul Fleming Professor Stephen Rice, Dr John Harrison, Dr Duncan Depledge, Dr Eddie Mighten, Dr Aimee Mears, Dr Madeleine Orr, Professor Robert Wilby,
- Award type: VC’s PhD Cluster scholarship competition.
Project title: Boys will be boys? Exploring boys’ embodied identities within physical education.
- Supervisor: Dr Oliver Hooper
- Co-supervisor: Dr Rachel Sandford
- Award type: School studentship competition
Project title: Remote ischaemic conditioning (RIC) to improve physical capacity, health and wellbeing in people with spinal cord injury undergoing inpatient rehabilitation.
- Supervisor: Dr Christof Leicht
- Co-supervisor: Dr Ian Taylor, Dr Sven Hoekstra (IAS fellow)
- Award type: School studentship competition
Project title: Application of novel MRI approaches to monitor spine morphology (structure) changes and predict and monitor lumbar stress injuries in elite cricket fast bowlers.
- Supervisor: Dr Katherine Brooke-Wavell
- Co-supervisor: Professor Mark King, Professor Nick Peirce, Dr Pete Alway
- Award type: School studentship competition
Project title: The role of bioactive complex milk lipids in cardiometabolic and cognitive health.
- Supervisor: Dr Oonagh Markey
- Co-supervisor: Dr Emma O’Donnell
- Award type: School studentship competition