Supporting your post-graduation journey

  • 30 March 2022
  • 4pm
  • The Street, NCSEM
marketing poster made by academics for the post-graduation support event

You are invited to attend the ldquo;Supporting your Post-Graduation Journey” event, which has been organised for all SSEHS part C undergraduate students (biosciences, psychology and sport).

Taking place on Wednesday 30 March from 4pm in the NCSEM Street (ground floor near the 1st XV rugby pitch), the event will focus on using LinkedIn effectively to expand your network as you start your post-graduation journey and consider employment or further study (e.g., MSc or PhD) options.

A professional photographer will be available to take a profile photo for your LinkedIn account and experts from the Careers Network will provide some great tips on how to improve your account or to set one up. There will be free food and drinks and a great chance to mingle with your friends and other final year students.

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Free of Charge
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Booking information
This free event is open to all SSEHS part C undergraduate students.