Sir Nevill Mott Lecture 2023: The Dark Energy of Quantum Materials
The Sir Nevill Mott lecture series at Loughborough was inaugurated by Nobel Prize laureate Sir Nevill Mott in 1995. Sir Nevill kindly permitted his name to be associated with an annual public lecture series to be given by distinguished invited speakers.
The 2023 Sir Nevill Mott lecture will be given by Professor Laura Greene and will be entitled The Dark Energy of Quantum Materials. Professor Laura Greene is the Marie Krafft Professor of Physics at Florida State University and Chief Scientist at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory. She is recognised for her outstanding research on high-temperature superconductivity and is a world-leading expert in her field. Professor Laura Greene is also a strong champion for diversity and has been very active in promoting equal rights for women and minorities throughout her career. In her lecture Professor Laura Greene will present her distinguished research topic and then talk about her career in Physics.
The Dark Energy of Quantum Materials
Professor Laura H. Greene
National MagLab and Florida State University
The many correlated electron problems remain largely unsolved after decades; with one stunning success being BCS electron-phonon mediated conventional superconductivity. The Cooper pairing mechanisms of the dozens of families of unconventional superconductors, including the high-Tc cuprate, iron-based, and heavy fermion superconductors remain elusive and quite varied. But some of their fundamental characteristics are strikingly similar, including their ubiquitous phase diagram, with intriguing, correlated electron (non-Fermi liquid) phases that break the symmetry of their underlying lattice at temperatures well above Tc. These correlated phases remain among the greatest unsolved problems in physics; and I will present an analogy stressing that. I will start with a little bit of my story and an overview of the US National MagLab, and finish with some of my own recent work identifying a possible new pairing mechanism in a heavy-fermion superconductor.
Contact and booking details
- Name
- Professor Sergey Saveliev
- Telephone number
- 01509223302
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- Free
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