Our latest events.
Past events
Made Smarter Innovation - Smart Cobotics Centre Open Day
Engineering Placements and Careers Fair
Engineering Schools' Doctoral Researcher Conference
Integrating Wearables, Biomedical Imaging & Computational Biomechanics: Application to MSK Modelling
Presenter(s): Prof Justin Fernandez, Auckland Bioengineering Institute -
Preparing for a world of “AI Everywhere"
Presenter(s): Guest Lecture – Professor Eric Grimson - Chancellor for Academic Advancement at MIT -
Wolfson Lecture Series: Additive Manufacturing and Innovative Materials
Presenter(s): Professor Gurminder Singh -
Wolfson School of Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering postgraduate online event
Wolfson Lecture Series: Energy-Autonomous Condition Monitoring
Presenter(s): Dr Yu Jia -
Distinguished Speaker Series - Sir Peter Bonfield
Presenter(s): Sir Peter Bonfield -
Identifying Technical Issues in Solar Asset Management Event