Dr Lindsay D’Arcy is an apparel and human factors researcher with experience in academic and industry settings. She is a university teacher on the Fashion Design and Technology course at Loughborough University.
Lindsay’s research is focussed on the development of new, innovative products for the sports performance apparel and health sectors - she is driven to further understand how human performance can be optimized by apparel design. Lindsay’s most recent research focusses on the development of resistance clothing for sports performance wear (in training), rehabilitation wear and everyday wear to increase a wearer’s energy expenditure and muscle stimulation and thereby, contribute to long term muscle gain and metabolic health.
Lindsay is also involved in research for physical ergonomic evaluation.
ACA161 Garment Construction
ACA163 Fashion Futures
ACB261 Advanced Digital Design Processes
ACB263 Apparel Innovations
ACB264 Design Methods for Fashion
ACB213 Fashion to Function: Designing Clothing and Wearable Products
Lindsay welcomes applications for doctoral study supervision in apparel and human factors.