Pilar Bolumburu-Perez

  • Doctoral Researcher

Pilar is a design researcher focused on bio-based materials and fabrication technologies from a sustainability and educational perspective. Currently, she is pursuing a PhD in Design at Loughborough University, where she is working on enhancing designers’ competencies for the development of environmentally sustainable bio-based materials. Additionally, she works as a Designer and Material Researcher at Materiom, an organisation dedicated to using open data and AI-driven tools to accelerate the research, development, and adoption of bio-based materials that have a positive impact on the planet. She has collaborated on various projects across Europe, the USA, and Latin America. At present, she is participating in initiatives such as Pacific Plastics: Science to Solutions (UK-Latin America), the CiD Innovation Alliance (EU), and the ATRIUM Project (EU). 

She was previously the Director of Technological Learning at Fab Lab Santiago in Chile. She graduated with distinction from the MA Education and Technology program at University College London, completed her design degree at Universidad Católica de Chile, and participated in the Fab Academy program through the global Fab Lab Network. 

Thesis Title: Environmentally Sustainable Futures - Evaluating Designerly Competencies for Biobased Materials Development in the UK. 

The research seeks to identify and evaluate the professional skills and knowledge design practitioners need to develop environmentally sustainable biobased materials. The study aims to bridge the gaps between training and professional requirements in the emerging field of the UK’s biobased materials sector. The findings are expected to promote the design and development of more environmentally sustainable materials by increasing awareness of the potential environmental risks associated with irresponsible development practices. Additionally, the research will provide valuable insights to inform future training in academic and professional settings, and support the growth of biobased entrepreneurs aligned with the principles of a circular economy and sustainability. 

Supervisors: John McCardle and Tincuta Henzel