Ananya Gupta

M.Eng Comp Sci at University of Southampton

Pronouns: She/her
  • Doctoral Researcher

Research groups and centres

Ananya Gupta started her doctoral studies in October 2022. Her background is in technology & financial services, working primarily in product management & information architecture. She currently works as a Technical Product Manager at Global Relay while pursuing her PhD. She has also been a recipient of TechWomen100 award. 

Title of thesis: Mixed methods for understanding mechanisms of gender inequality in technology workplaces

Ananya's PhD project aims to identify and understand the structures of inequalities in workspaces that causes women’s careers to stall in technology, and leads them to leave technology roles in significant numbers. She is using a mixed methods approach to examine workplace dynamics as well as proposing a novel methodology for data collection and intervention development. 

Supervisors: Antonia Liguori, Dr Mazher Iqbal Mohammed, Dr Eugénie Hunsicker.