Craig has held the position of Senior Technical Officer (STO) from 2010 and is responsible for the management of a team of the school’s technical staff and facilities. The STO role requires working collaboratively with internal and external colleagues to integrate the technical staff, facilities, and services to achieve the school’s strategic objectives. Craig is also School Safety Officer.
Craig worked at a local engineering company from 1985 to 1998. During this period, he was engaged in skilled engineering machine shop, technical costing, and apprentice training roles within the firm.
In 1998, Craig moved to Leicester Engineering Training Group (LETG) to work as an Engineering Technical Instructor.
Craig joined Loughborough University in 1999, starting as a Mechanical Technician in the Electrical and Electronic Department, prior to taking up a position in the Design & Technology Department as a Technical Instructor in 2001. During 2003 Craig moved into an Engineering Machine Shop Technical Tutor role.