Health and Wellbeing Research Interest Group (HW-RIG)
Leader: Simona Rasciute, Senior Lecturer in Economics
Dr Rasciute leads the HW-RIG which focuses on research that aims to influence policy and practice to improve health and wellbeing in society.
About us
The Health and Wellbeing Research Interest Group (HW-RIG) focuses on research that influences policy and practice to improve health and wellbeing in society.
The members of this interdisciplinary group use a wide range of research methods including econometric modelling, simulation, predictive modelling methods, laboratory experiments and theoretical models, as well as qualitative methods.
HW-RIG research aligns with Loughborough University’s health and wellbeing global challenge to bring solutions to promote health and wellbeing across the life course and national contexts.
Themes include:
- econometric modelling of large-scale secondary data to investigate the determinants and outcomes of health and wellbeing and their relations to social and human capital, as well as economic factors to inform policy
- innovation in the pharmaceutical industry and its effects on public health
- wellbeing outcomes of individuals and bullying/cyberbullying at work
- enhancing access to information and knowledge in support of societal and individual wellbeing
- healthcare modelling using primarily simulation tools to build models that help health care organisations and practitioners make better decisions
- health inequalities and social wellbeing measurement
- healthcare commissioning and prioritisation
- behavioural sciences
- mental health, emotions and social media
- job insecurity, unemployment, social identity and wellbeing
- policy and strategy formation and execution focused on policy implications of the analysis of social inclusion
- biomedical predictive modelling using advanced data analytics and predictive modelling methods (artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, feature selection).
Dr Simona Rasciute, Senior Lecturer in Economics
- Dr Nikos Argyris, Lecturer in Operational Research
- Dr Anna Rita Bennato, Lecturer in Economics
- Dr Iain Coyne, Senior Lecturer in Organizational Psychology
- Dr Suzana Grubnic, Reader in Accounting
- Prof Ian Hodgkinson, Professor of Strategy
- Prof Tom Jackson, Professor of Information and Knowledge Management
- Dr Eva Selenko, Senior Lecturer in Work Psychology
- Dr Antuela Anthi Tako, Reader in Operational Research
Associate members
- Prof Paul Downward, Professor of Economics (School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences)
- Dr Georgina Cosma, Senior Lecturer (Department of Computer Science)