European Funding
The European Commission’s main mechanism for funding research and innovation in Europe is through Horizon 2020 which started in January 2014 and will run for seven years until the end of December 2020.
Horizon 2020 has a budget of nearly €80 billion and offers a range of funding opportunities to UK academics.
The three pillars of Horizon 2020
Excellent Science
The Excellent Science part of H2020 supports the world-class science in Europe, by developing, attracting and retaining research talent and supporting the development of the best research infrastructures. Schemes under this pillar include:
- European Research Council (Frontier research by the best individual teams)
- Future and Emerging Technologies (Collaborative research to open new fields of innovation)
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (Opportunities for training and career development)
- Research Infrastructures (Ensuring access to world-class facilities)
Industrial Leadership
The Industrial Leadership supports key technologies, such as microelectronics, advanced manufacturing, etc. across existing and emerging sectors. It also aims at attracting more private investment into R&I and supporting the increase of innovative SMEs in Europe. It covers:
- Leadership in enabling & industrial technologies (LEITs) (ICT, nanotechnologies, materials, biotechnology, manufacturing, space)
- Access to risk finance (Leveraging private finance & venture capital)
- Innovation in SMEs (Fostering all forms of innovation in all types of SMEs)
Societal Challenges
The pillar of Societal Challenges supports R&I that target society and citizens (climate, environment, energy, transport, etc.). It supports the development of breakthrough solutions coming from multi-disciplinary collaborations, which include social sciences and humanities. It covers the following areas:
- Health, demographic change & wellbeing
- Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry marine/maritime/inland water research and the bioeconomy
- Secure, clean & efficient energy
- Smart, green & integrated transport
- Climate action, environment, resource efficiency & raw materials
- Inclusive, innovative & reflective societies
- Secure societies