Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (URTIs)

A SCI can result in a greater susceptibility to infections of the upper-respiratory tract and airways. An impairment of exhalatory muscles (the muscles used to expel air from the lungs) may reduce your ability to cough and clear secretions from the respiratory tract and lungs, which could increase your risk of respiratory infections.

The presence of respiratory infection poses an issue from a training point of view as it can lead to missed training sessions and reductions in performance.

It is therefore important to reduce the likelihood of getting ill or picking up an infection in the first place. You can reduce your risk of infection by following some important guidelines:

  1. Always allow for adequate recovery during periods of heavy training.
  2. Avoid getting thirsty or a dry mouth as this is linked to reduced defence against coughs and colds.
  3. Monitor your stress levels and factor more rest into your training schedule if you start to feel tired.
  4. Reduce exposure to common infections if people around you are getting ill. Use facial tissues, wash your hands regularly and avoid contact between your hands and eyes as this is the most common way of spreading bugs.