Weight Management for SCI

Maintaining a suitable weight is important for health and weight should be neither too high nor too low. You may be concerned that a reduction in mobility and therefore energy requirements may cause unwanted weight gain.

A major concern for any wheelchair user who struggles to maintain a suitable weight is the potential effect on health in terms of the risk of future development of diabetes, heart disease, joint problems, immobility and pressure sores. If you are already active in sport, then there is also the added issue of the effect this may have on your performance.

The first step towards healthy eating is choosing real, fresh and unprocessed foods and snacks but you must also keep an eye on your portion sizes. If you are a wheelchair user, be realistic about your energy requirements because your needs are probably a little lower than for non-wheelchair users, even if your appetite does not change. This lower energy requirement can make reducing your energy intake harder which means that increasing your energy expenditure through physical activity becomes vital. However, you may also have to accept that weight loss may simply take a little longer than for non-wheelchair users.

Please follow the link below to our general nutrition page for getting 'Fit for Life'.