I completed my doctoral research in 2009 at Imperial College, London where I investigated the measurement of life-course socioeconomic position and its relationship with health outcomes. I also hold an MSC in Social Research Methods with Statistics from City University, London and a BA in Media Studies from the University of Sussex.
In 2009 I joined the ESRC Centre for Population Change (CPC) as a Research Fellow, where my work involved quantitative analysis of large, cross-sectional and longitudinal datasets such as the Labour Force Survey, the English Survey of Housing, Understanding Society (the UK Household Longitudinal Study), and the General Household Survey. I worked on a variety of CPC projects including work on leaving and returning home in young adulthood in the UK and transitions to living alone in later life. I also investigated women’s economic activity over the life course as a predictor of health in later life and a project examining the role of economic uncertainty in predicting the fertility behaviour of men and women. During this period, I developed a particular interest in housing policy and the ways in which this can affect the choices and constraints people face in various aspects of their lives.
I joined CRSP in June 2018. My work is focussed mainly on quantitative analysis, including analysing data from the Family Resources Survey for the annual Households Below a Minimum Income Standard report. However, I have also been involved in aspects of the qualitative programme of work, including supporting the collection of focus group data for calculation of the Minimum Income Standard for London.
My research interests stem from a broad focus on understanding the consequences of differential socioeconomic circumstances from a life course perspective. More specifically, my interests include family and household dynamics; health inequalities and the social implications of housing policy. I also have an ongoing interest in longitudinal research methods.
Recent publications
- Robinson, E., Stone, J. and Padley, M. (2025) Households below the Minimum Income Standard: 2008-2023. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation
- Stone J (2024) Poverty at the end of life in 2023. London: Marie Curie.
- Robinson, E. and Stone, J. (2024) Fuel Poverty at the end of life in 2023. London: Marie Curie.
- Davis, A., Blackwell, C., Ellis, W., Padley, M., Stone, J. and Balchin, E. (2024) A Minimum Income Standard for the United Kingdom in 2024. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
- Stone, J. (2024) Local indicators of child poverty after housing costs, 2022/23. London: End Child Poverty.
- Stone, J., Blackwell, C. and Shepherd, C. (2024) UK benefit uptake among blind and partially sighted people. London: RNIB - Royal National Institute of Blind People.
- Stone, J. (2024) The Cost of a Child in Scotland in 2023. Glasgow: Child Poverty Action Group Scotland
- Stone, J., Robinson, E., Blackwell, C. and Padley, M. (2024) Debt, poverty and living standards in Great Britain. Bradford: Christians Against Poverty
- Padley, M., Stone, J. and Robinson, E. (2024) Households living below a Minimum Income Standard: 2008-2022. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
- Padley, M., Blackwell, C., Davis, A., Hill, K. and Stone, J. (2024) Retirement living standards in the UK in 2023. London: Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association
- Stone, J., Shepherd, C., Ellis, W. and Padley, M. (2023) Constructing a Decent Living Index. Edinburgh: abrdn Financial Fairness Trust
- Padley, M. and Stone, J. (2023) A Minimum Income Standard for the United Kingdom in 2023. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation
- Padley, M., Davis, A., Blackwell, C., Shepherd, C. and Stone, J. (2023) A Minimum Income Standard for London 2022. London: Trust for London
- Stone, J. (2023) Local indicators of child poverty after housing costs, 2021/22. London: End Child Poverty Coalition
- Padley, M. and Stone, J. (2023) Households below the Minimum Income Standard: 2008-2021. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation
- Stone, J. (2023) Policy interventions to alleviate poverty at the end of life. London: Marie Curie
- Hirsch, D. and Stone, J. (2022) The Cost of a Child in Scotland 2022 - An update. Glasgow: Child Poverty Action Group in Scotland
- Hirsch, D. and Stone, J. (2022) The cost of a child in 2022. London: Child Poverty Action Group
- Davis, A., Stone, J., Blackwell, C., Padley, M., Shepherd, C. and Hirsch, D. (2022) A Minimum Income Standard in the UK for 2022. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
- Stone, J. and Hirsch, D. (2022) Poverty at the end of life in the UK London: Marie Curie
- Padley, M. and Stone, J. (2021) Households below a Minimum Income Standard: 2008/09 to 2018/19. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
- Hill, K., Padley, M. and Stone, J. (2020) Exploring affordability: what can housing associations do to better support their tenants? Loughborough, Centre for Research in Social Policy.
- Hill, K., Hirsch, D., Stone, J. and Webber, R. (2020) Home truths: Young adults living with their parents in low to middle income families. Edinburgh, Standard Life Foundation.
- Hirsch, D. and Stone, J. (2020) Local indicators of child poverty after housing costs, 2018-19. London: End Child Poverty
- Hirsch, D. and Stone, J. (2020) The cost of pensioner poverty and non-take-up of Pension Credit. London: Independent Age
- Hirsch, D., Padley, M., Stone, J. and Valadez-Martinez, L. Social Indicators Research. The Low Income Gap: A New Indicator Based on a Minimum Income Standard. (2020) DOI 10.1007/s11205-019-02241-6
- Padley, M., Davis, A., Shepherd, C. and Stone, J. (2019) A Minimum Income Standard for London 2018. London: Trust for London.
- Stone, J., Padley, M. and Hirsch, D. (2019) Household below a Minimum Income Standard: 2008/09-2016/17. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation
- Hirsch, D. and Stone, J. (2019) Lone parents under pressure. Loughborough: Centre for Research in Social Policy
- Stone, J., Berrington, A., & Mcgowan, T. (Ed.) (2017). Income, welfare, housing and the transition to higher order births in the UK. (ESRC Centre for Population Change Working Paper Series; No. 86). University of Southampton.
- Berrington, A., Stone, J., & Mcgowan, T. (Ed.) (2017). Understanding third and fourth births in Britain: What role do increased immigration and multiple partnerships play? (CPC working papers; No. 83). Southampton: ESRC Centre for Population Change.
- Falkingham, J., Sage, J., Stone, J. & Vlachantoni, A. (2016) Residential mobility across the life course: continuity and change across three cohorts in Britain. Advances in Life Course Research 30, 111-123.
- Berrington, A, Stone, J and Beaujouan, E. (2015) Educational differences in timing and quantum of childbearing in Britain: a study of cohorts born 1940-1969. Demographic Research, 33, (26), 733-764.
- Stone, J, Evandrou, E, Falkingham, F & Vlachantoni, A. (2015) "Women’s economic activity trajectories over the life course: implications for the self-rated health of women aged 64+ in England" Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 69, 873-879
- Berrington, A., Stone, J. and Beaujouan, E. (2015) Educational differences in childbearing widen in Britain. CPC Briefing Paper 29, ESRC Centre for Population Change, UK.
- Berrington, A. and Stone, J. (2015) Cohabitation trends and patterns in the UK. ESRC Centre for Population Change Report, UK, February 2015.
- Stone, J, Berrington, A and Falkingham, J (2014) Gender, turning points, and boomerangs: returning home in young adulthood in Great Britain. Demography, 51, (1), 257-276.
- Stone, J., Blane, D.B. and Netuveli, G. (2014) Life-course occupational social class and health in later life: the importance of frequency and timing of measures. European Journal of Ageing, 11, 273–284.
- Berrington, A. and Stone, J. (2014) Young adults' transitions to residential independence in Britain: the role of social and housing policy. In, Antonucci, Lorenzo, Hamilton, Myra and Roberts, Steven (eds.) Young People and Social Policy in Europe: Dealing with Risk, Inequality and Precarity in Times of Crisis. Basingstoke, GB, Palgrave Macmillan.
- Stone, J. Evandrou, M. and Falkingham, J. (2013) ‘The transition to living alone and psychological distress in later life’. Age and Ageing. 42, (3), 366-372.
- Berrington, A. and Stone, J. (2013) Outlining a future research agenda for studies of young adults’ transitions to residential independence. Southampton, GB, ESRC Centre for Population Change (CPC working paper 38). Berrington, Ann, Stone, Juliet and Falkingham, Jane , McGowan, Teresa (ed.) (2013) The impact of parental characteristics and contextual effects on returns to the parental home in Britain. Southampton, GB, ESRC Centre for Population Change (CPC working paper 29).
- Stone, Juliet, Berrington, Ann and Falkingham, Jane , McGowan, Teresa (ed.) (2012) The changing living arrangements of young adults in the UK. Southampton, GB, ESRC Centre for Population Change, 4pp. (ESRC Centre for Population Change Briefing Papers 7).
- Stone, J., Berrington, A. and Falkingham, J. (2011) ‘The changing determinants of UK young adults’ living arrangements’ Demographic Research, 25, (20), 629-666.
- Berrington, Ann, Stone, Juliet and Falkingham, Jane (2010) How far have transitions to adulthood changed in the last decade? Evidence from the United Kingdom Labour Force Survey. UK, ESRC Centre for Population Change (CPC working paper 5).
- Berrington, A. Stone, J., & Falkingham, J. (2009) ‘The changing living arrangements of young adults in the UK’ Population Trends, 138, 27-37.
- Stone, J., Netuveli, G., & Blane, D. (2008) ‘Modelling socioeconomic trajectories: an optimal matching approach’. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 28, 217-230.
- Blane, D., Netuveli, G., & Stone, J. (2007) ‘The development of life course epidemiology’. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique, 55, (1) 31-38.