2nd Indo UK PV Soiling Workshop

Free Online UKIERI-DST Partnership Development Workshop 24th and 25th January 2022

Accumulation of dust (also called soiling) on photovoltaic (PV) modules is a serious challenge to the economic viability of PV deployment worldwide and is a particular problem in sun-belt countries, including India. This meeting will bring together experts in the field looking at various aspects of soiling to discuss topics ranging from economic impact of soiling loss, dust mitigation strategies, effect of robotic cleaning, reliability and development of anti-soiling coatings, etc. The workshop will assist the formation of new collaborations between India and United Kingdom to provide solutions to further enhance solar PV as a highly competitive and reliable source of energy.

The event programme is announced as follows – download the programme here: Flyer_Indo UK PV Soiling workshop_11JAN22

24th January 2022 (Day 1)

9:00–9:10 (GMT): Welcome Address, Prof. Anil Kottantharayil, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,  India

9:10–9:40 (GMT): Development & Performance Evaluation of Stable Antisoiling Coatings (Hydrophobic vs Hydrophilic) for PV Application, Sakthivel ShanmugaSundaram, International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials, Hyderabad, India

9:40–9:55 (GMT): Modeling to study efficacy of polysilane based transparent anti-soiling coating to reduce energy yield loss in PV module, Saheli Sengupta & Deepanjana Adak, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, India

9:55–10:25 (GMT): The importance of surface chemistry and topography on wetting behaviour – understanding how materials chemistry influences soiling behaviour, Alan Taylor, The Welding Institute, UK

10:25–10:40 (GMT): Combined Anti-reflection and Anti-soiling Coatings for Solar Modules, Adam Law, Loughborough University, UK

10:40–10:50 (GMT): Question and answer session and break

10:50–11:05 (GMT): A robust method for the development of Anti-reflective and self-cleaning coatings, Pradhan MamataIndian Institute of Technology Bombay, India

11:05–11:20 (GMT): Mechanical Abrasion on Commercial Single Layer, Porous Silica, Anti-Reflection Coatings and Multi-Layer Anti-reflection coatings, Farwah Bukhari, Loughborough University, UK

11:20–11:50 (GMT): Degradation mechanisms reducing the durability of hydrophobic anti-soiling coatings, Luke Jones,  Loughborough University, UK

11:50 – 12:00 (GMT): Question and answer session and Concluding Remarks


25th January 2022 (Day 2)

9:00–9:10 (GMT): Welcome Address, Prof. Michael Walls, Loughborough University, UK

9:10–9:40 (GMT): Hydrophobic Surfaces: Learning from Nature, Claire Carmalt, University College, London, UK

9:40–9:55 (GMT): Mitigation of Soiling related losses in Solar Panels by Electrodynamic Screens (EDS), Silajit MannaIndian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, India

9:55–10:25 (GMT): Use of aerial Inspection and data analytics for soiling assessment, Will Hitchcock, Above Surveying Ltd, UK

10:25–10:40 (GMT): Comparative Study of Commercially used Field Mounted Soiling Measurement Devices for Solar PV System, Pavan FukeIndian Institute of Technology Bombay, India

10:40–10:50 (GMT): Question and answer session and break

10:50–11:05 (GMT): Soiling Mapping Through Optical Losses in India, Yusuf Chanchangi/Tapas Mallick, University of Exeter, UK

11:05–11:20 (GMT): Reliability of anti-soiling coatings, Sonali BhaduriIndian Institute of Technology Bombay, India

11:20–11:50 (GMT): The IEC 62788-7-3 abrasion methods standard and supporting experiments at NREL on PV surfaces and coatings, Jimmy Newkirk, Joanna Bomber, Joshua Morse, and David MillerNational Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA

11:50 – 12:00 (GMT): Question and answer session and Concluding Remarks

Click here for registration