Explore our research
Discover how our researchers shape public policy, improve lives and enable business and industry to compete more successfully. You can search by topic, academic school, established strengths and interdisciplinary challenges – you’ll be amazed at the breadth and excellence of our achievements.
Building research capacity
We are building capacity within cross-disciplinary research clusters to tackle complex global issues aligned to the University’s strengths.

Benefit from our research expertise
You can tap into our expertise and work with our world-leading researchers to realise your business goals – supporting growth, innovation, skills development and sustainability. Together, we can implement solutions with far-reaching impact – and some partnership schemes are free or funded.

Loughborough University Science and Enterprise Park (LUSEP)
LUSEP supports over 90 start-ups, growing businesses, global brands and sports organisations to collaborate and engage with the University’s research expertise, facilities and talent pipeline.